Energy efficient node for European micro-servers

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EUROSERVER is a collaborative project that aims to dramatically improve data centre energy-efficiency, cost, and software efficiency. It is addressing these important challenges through the coordinated application of several key recent innovations: 64-bit ARM cores, 3D heterogeneous silicon-on-silicon integration, and fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD SOI) process technology, together with new software techniques for efficient resource management, including resource sharing and workload isolation. We are pioneering a system architecture approach that allows specialized silicon devices to be built even for low-volume markets where NRE costs are currently prohibitive. The EUROSERVER device will embed multiple silicon 'chiplets' on an active silicon interposer. Its system architecture is being driven by requirements from three use cases: data centres and cloud computing, telecom infrastructures, and high-end embedded systems. We will build two fully integrated full-system prototypes, based on a common micro-server board, and targeting embedded servers and enterprise servers.