Eurovision Song Contest 2020 as a catalyst for urban renewal

A research about short-term cultural events to increase positive impacts for the city and local communities

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Cities coop with the problem of increasing demand for housing due to urbanisation, while trying to maintain and improve its attractiveness and city image. Improving attractiveness and the city image can be achieved by urban renewal. In Rotterdam, The National Programme Rotterdam-Zuid (NPRZ) was initiated to tackle the disadvantages and improve the quality of life in Rotterdam-Zuid (the worst neighbourhood of The Netherlands). An image and economic improvement was realised in Rotterdam-Zuid. However, too little residents of Rotterdam-Zuid did benefit from this economic improvement. More positive impacts in the area are necessary and urban renewal could improve these areas. However, urban renewal occurs at a too low pace. A positive impact for this process is necessary. An event can succeed in catalysing urban renewal, by strategically planning the event beforehand. As a result, the event can deliver hard and soft impacts on the area. After the Netherlands won the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in May 2019 in Tel Aviv, the city of Rotterdam was chosen as the host city of the ESC 2020 in Ahoy Rotterdam. Ahoy Rotterdam is located in Rotterdam-Zuid. This event could be an opportunity for Rotterdam to positively impact the renewal of Rotterdam-Zuid and indirectly improve the city’s attractiveness and image. The problem which this research tries to tackle is how to positively impact the urban renewal of Rotterdam-Zuid by strategically planning the Eurovision Song Contest 2020/2021. This research aims to explore and understand the benefits of hosting cultural events, like the Eurovision Song Contest, in relation to their contribution to urban renewal. Based on the defined problem, the following main question is formed for this research: “Which elements when hosting a cultural great event could positively impact and catalyse urban renewal?” To answer the main question a qualitative approach was chosen. This approach includes a literature review, explorative semi-structured interviews with experts and a case study of the urban renewal project Hart van Zuid (HvZ) in relation to the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in Rotterdam. For this case study, reports have been analysed and semi-structured interviews with stakeholders of both HvZ and the ESC have been held. From the results of literature, explorative interviews, case description and case study interviews it can be concluded that social impacts occur the most and on a short-term basis. An important observation which has been made is the importance of a connection in the form of a relationship between the event and the urban renewal project. The impacts that have been found are divided in the categories of social impact, economic impacts and physical impact. First, side-events are mentioned as an important means to create a social impact on an area. Important is that these side-events have a character that shows the identity of the location, otherwise local people do not feel attracted to these events. Secondly, economic impacts are based on tourism generated by the event. For this impact, no necessary steps need to be taken by the municipality or other hosting organisation. Tourism leads to higher spending in the area and new facilities created by the urban renewal project captures this impact to create a positive long-term economic spin-off. Lastly, the physical impact is, due to the short preparation time, not as present as a social and/or economic impact. Opportunities like creating a marker in the area, speeding up the existing planning of urban renewal and using city dressing for the delivery of the buildings are however mentioned. This research suggests important elements which can be used to increase the successfulness and realisation of these social, economic and physical impacts.