Marchenko Multiple Elimination

From Point-Source to Plane-Wave Datasets Applications

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Seismic images provided by reverse time migration can be contaminated by artefacts associated with the migration of multiples.

Multiples can corrupt seismic images, producing both false positives, i.e. by focusing energy at unphysical interfaces, and false negatives, i.e. by destructively interfering with primaries. Multiple-related artefacts can be dealt with via Marchenko methods, either via Green’s functions redatuming or data domain schemes (i.e., multiple prediction / primary synthesis algorithms). Data domain Marchenko methods were originally designed to operate on point source gathers, and can therefore be computationally demanding when large problems are considered. However, computationally attractive schemes operating on plane-wave datasets were also derived, by adapting Marchenko point source gathers methods to include plane-wave concepts. As a result, current Marchenko algorithms allow fully data-driven synthesis of primary reflections associated with point and plane-wave source responses. Numerical tests show that while the best images are obtained when well sampled point source gathers are processed, using few multiple-free plane-wave gathers can be used as an unexpensive and effective processing step.


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