Downstream Processing of Fermented Fine Sieved Fraction for Biological Nutrient Removal

A comprehensive study on biodegradability and biological nutrient removal performance of fFSF, and a feasibility analysis of secondary screening

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Fine sieved fraction (FSF) is a solid waste generated from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Cellulose fiber is the most important component of FSF, which can be fermented into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and then be used as carbon sources in biological nutrient removal (BNR). This thesis measured and evaluated the aerobic & anaerobic biodegradability of solids in fermented FSF (fFSF) and the BNR performance of FSF-derived VFAs. In addition, this research tested the feasibility of using secondary sieving as a potential downstream processing technology. The products of secondary sieving (liquid: secondary filtrate, solid: secondary FSF) were compared with fFSF in terms of biodegradability and BNR performance. The aerobic biodegradability of raw FSF, fFSF and secondary
filtratewere 52.3 ± 1.4, 60.4 ± 4.7 and 72.1 ± 6.4 %, respectively. The anaerobic biodegradability of raw FSF, fFSF and secondary FSF are 56.8 ± 8.4, 68.2 ± 6.4, 51.5 ± 7.8 %, respectively. The results of biodegradability revealed that secondary sieving increased the proportion of readily biodegradable solids and reduced the overall organic load of activated sludge systems. The residual solids after secondary sieving could be converted into biogas or recovered as building materials. FSF-derived VFAs could substantially increase denitrification rates and phosphate release rates. fFSF and secondary filtrate could increase the denitrification rate by 40 - 50%and increase the phosphate release rate by around 200 % compared to blank. Theoretically, the effluent nitrogen load could be reduced by up to 53.7%if FSF-derived carbon sources are fully used for denitrification atWWTP Aarle-Rixtel. If used for phosphorus removal, the capacity provided by FSF-derived VFAs could nearly remove all phosphate from the effluent. To sum up, FSF-derived VFAs could effectively increase BNR rates
and significantly reduce the effluent nitrogen and phosphorus load. The main advantages of FSFderived VFAs over conventional carbon sources are sustainability and waste-reduction. Secondary sieving could reduce the solid load of activated sludge tank and achieve a combined recycling of VFAs and fibers, but the total COD available for BNR will be reduced as a compensation. The results in this thesis can facilitate the application of fFSF in WWTPs and the improvement of FSF-derived VFAs production.


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- Embargo expired in 30-09-2023