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4 results

Historic Urban Landscape UNESCO Matera
In the 1950s, Italy recovered from the trauma of the Second World War. However, in the deep South of the country, a city remained alien to this progress. Indeed, isolated for a long time, it was unable to challenge new immigration movements and ended up exceeding its saturation l ...

Modular Hybrid Coastal Protection Structure

Pilot site: Montego Bay, Jamaica

Modelling Concrete Breakwater Beach erosion Modular system Wave Attenuation Marine life enhancement
Tourism is one of the main sources of income of Jamaica. . However, at the moment the beaches are retreating. An example is the erosion of Hellshire Beach, showing a retreat of ten meters in only seven years. To preserve the beaches effectively, a new concept is requested. The ma ...

Sedimentation in the mouth of the Magdalena river

Improving navigability in the port of Barranquilla

Delft3D Stakeholder analysis Navigability Río Magdalena Sedimenation
The city of Barranquilla can play an important role in the establishment in a multi-modal network. Currently however, issues with navigable depth in the river mouth (Bocas de Ceniza) make it difficult for the larger vessels to enter the port area. Resolving these issues will incr ...
Floods Risks Stakeholder analysis Transport network Durban PCSWMM KwaZulu-Natal EThekwini municipality
Durban is the biggest city of the KwaZulu-Natal province located at the East coast of South-Africa. In South Africa nation wide millions of Rands of damage occur along with tens of casualties as a result of urban flooding. These floods are usually the result of heavy rainfall. In ...