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A Novel Approach to FX Swap Portfolio Management

With an Application in Portfolio Optimization

Modeling Financial Mathematics Portfolio Optimization Duration FX Swap Interest Rates
In this thesis, we define a new concept of duration for FX Swaps and more broadly for sovereign bonds. The con-cept of duration already exists for bonds and more specifically coupon bonds, where it is also called ”Macauley Duration”. We aim to define a concept for FX Swaps with s ...

Critical Materials

What policies can influence the material flows of Lithium in Europe and have a positive impact on the CRMA benchmarks?

Material Flow Analysis Lithium Critical Raw Materials CRMA
This paper studies the mechanism that leads to the reduction of frictional soil reaction forces during pile driving, termed friction fatigue. We focus on axial vibratory driving, an environmentally friendly monopile installation method, and examine two friction fatigue formulatio ...
Desalination Irrigated agriculture WEF nexus Algeria Ain Temouchent System dynamics modelling
The need for an integrated approach to sustainable resources management to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals has become widely recognized. Population growth, climate change, environmental degradation, and scarcity of resources have been identified as the major factors aff ...
Water-energy-food nexus Integrated resources management Policy coherence analysis Tana River Basin, Kenya
Water, energy, and food resources are closely related in the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus, a tightly connected system in which impacts in one sector leads to changes in the other sectors. The WEF nexus approach studies these interactions to better understand their connections an ...