Compact N-Way Doherty Power Combiners for mm-wave 5G Transmitters

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This paper presents a design procedure for compact lumped-element 3-/4-/5-way Doherty power combiners suitable for mm-wave 5G transmitters. Among them, the 3-way Doherty power combiner is favored due to its low complexity, compact layout, and average drain efficiency at 12 dB power back-off (PBO) when implemented using lossy lumped elements. Based on the metal stack of a 40nm CMOS process, a 3-way Doherty power combiner can provide a simulated passive efficiency of more than 60% at 12 dB PBO and a 10% drain-efficiency bandwidth $(BW_{\mathrm{D}\mathrm{E}10\%})/3\mathrm{d}\mathrm{B}$ power bandwidth $(BW_{3\mathrm{d}\mathrm{B}})$ of 8/15 GHz at 30 GHz.


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