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This article introduces a single-supply balun-first three-way parallel Doherty power amplifier (PA) tailored for millimeter-wave (mm-wave) fifth-generation (5G) applications. It incorporates a bandwidth enhancement technique that widens the operational frequency range, enhan ...

This paper presents a 40nm CMOS mm-wave 3-way Doherty power amplifier (PA) suitable for 5G mm-wave transmitters. It features a bandwidth-enhanced technique using a compact single-supply balun-first 3-way Doherty combiner. The realized front-end with a core area of 0.77 mm2deli ...

This paper presents a design procedure for compact lumped-element 3-/4-/5-way Doherty power combiners suitable for mm-wave 5G transmitters. Among them, the 3-way Doherty power combiner is favored due to its low complexity, compact layout, and average drain efficiency at 12 dB pow ...

Continuous Class F (CCF) power amplifiers (PAs) overcome Class-F PA's disadvantage of narrow bandwidth by relaxing the short-circuit requirement at the 2nd harmonic while still maintaining 90.7% peak efficiency over the band of interest. This paper proposes four dif ...

Line-of-sight millimeter-wave (mm-wave) 5G phased array systems are key solutions to overcome the free-space path loss while providing a multi-Gbit/s data throughput. To realize these systems, nanoscale CMOS technologies should be exploited to enable high integration, compact are ...