Fluvial design guide

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The Fluvial design guide is aimed at professional staff engaged in the design process from the early stages of looking at alternative solutions through to the delivery of the outputs of design for the construction, maintenance, refurbishment or alteration of flood defence or land drainage assets. The guide is thus intended to be used by both designers and asset managers. In the field of flood risk management, the management of existing assets (including their ultimate replacement or disposal) is probably more important than the design of new works – simply because there are so many of them. The design of any engineering works is an iterative process and the design of works in the fluvial environment is no exception. It is rarely possible to go through the design process without having to step back and re-examine earlier decisions. In addition, a series of related activities run in parallel with the development of the design and feed into it. These include the consideration of risks and uncertainties, the collection of data and consultation with stakeholders. There is also the need to understand the approvals process and the securing of funds for the works. Recognition of these related activities is the key to successful delivery of the outputs of design, though not fundamental to the design process. Introduction Chapter 1: Design of works in the fluvial environment Understanding the fluvial environment Chapter 2: Hydrology Chapter 3: Fluvial geomorphology Chapter 4: Fluvial ecology Chapter 5: Landscape and heritage Chapter 6: Navigation, recreation and amenity Analysis and design Chapter 7: Hydraulic analysis and design Chapter 8: Works in the river channel Chapter 9: Floodwalls and flood embankments Chapter 10: Flood storage works Chapter 11: River and canal structures Glossary