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This is a ‘music marvel’ graduation project within the Public Building studio. Experimenting with the typology of an open-air amplified music venue, positioned at the core of a grand gentrification project in the Hague, it is driven by critical questions. The proposal is probing into developing applicable tactics for harvesting intergenerational value on urban terrain. What is the role of the architect when we live in times when the only thing we can do is stop building? Which are the conversations that have to happen on construction sites? Through the offered multiplicity of opportunities for cultural event formats, the conventional role of architecture is subverted. From serving the excessive wants of the powerful, to becoming a place that cultivates its own surplus of soft-power, via a rotating programmatic variety of spectacular gatherings.

1. If doing nothing is the most sustainable move, what is the next option for a 'music marvel'?
2. Circularity is fundamentally based on generic interchangeable parts — a music marvel is the opposite: custom solutions for the effect of acoustics and experience. How to proceed?
3. The project becomes an exercise of doing the minimum for a maximum spectacle.