Opto-Electrical Simulation of Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell

ASA optimization of Pvk/c-Si tandem simulation

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Emerging PV technologies like Perovskite has lead to the development of Perovskite/Silicon (Pvk/c-Si) tandem device (Multi-junction device) and has now gained a lot of momentum and attention due to the fact that the tandem device can reach a Shockley-Quisser limit of about 44.1% efficiency. But to speed up its development, a lot of emphasis is made on conducting tandem solar cell device simulations to have get a good idea on the experiments that can be carried out. Solar cell simulations for tandem devices are carried out in advanced 2D/3D solar cell simulators like SETFOS or Synopsys TCAD Sentaurus. These softwares have large computational time and have complex user interface making simulations challenging. There are 1D solar cell simulators like ASA (Advanced Semiconductor Analysis) developed at TU Delft that has less computational time with an easy and intuitive interface. But ASA does not have the appropriate tunnelling models to simulate the tunnel recombination junction characteristics of perovskite silicon tandem devices.

To make ASA a complete software suite for simulating perovskite silicon tandem device, tunnelling models proposed by Ieong et al. is used for both direct and band to band tunnelling. These tunnelling models use basic inputs like band energy data, electrostatic potential data and electric field data for a particular device and outputs the tunnelling generation rate that can simply be added to the continuity equations for electrons or holes during the simulation of the device. A fully fledged algorithm was designed for the automation of the direct tunnelling and the band to band tunnelling process with limited input from the user while using the models proposed by Ieong et al. In simple terms, the algorithm takes in the required input and scans through the device for every interface to check for tunnel contributions and performs calculations when necessary. All necessary conditions are included inside the algorithms to ensure that the simulation is accurately solved.

The validation of the newly developed tunnelling algorithm was commenced for PN junction, Silicon hetero-junction and finally the Perovskite-Silicon tandem device. The JV curve for the above device simulations with and without incorporated tunnelling models was extracted and a comparison was made with literature results and simulation results from other software suites. The newly developed tunnelling algorithms was concluded to be accurate. The JV curve obtained from the ASA simulation showed good agreement with literature results and simulation results from other software suites with error percentages of less than 3% for open circuit voltage, short circuit current and fill factor. With proper tuning of the device layer thickness, texturing on multiple layers for the tandem device and enhancing the mobility of the non-absorber layers for the perovskite top cell, further improvement can be expected in the simulation. These methods can eventually lead to reaching the Shockley Quisser limit of about 35.7% efficiency for the perovskite silicon tandem solar cell even when general opto-electrical losses are taken into account.


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