Study of Yield Performance for Different PV Static and Dynamic System Orientation Topologies

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One of the most important aspects to consider when a PV system will be mounted, is the PV panel’s orientation in order to receive the highest amount of solar radiation and thus produce as much energy as possible. This is achieved by tilting the solar panel to an optimal angle (which depends of the location’s latitude) or by tracking systems which follow the Sun to get the maximum of energy from it.
In this project several topologies of PV panels will be analysed and a new one will be introduced: a floating PV module offshore. The irradiance incident on the panels and how much energy reaches the module at several static and tracking topologies. For the statical PV modules, it will be analysed and discussed which is the optimal tilting angle according to its location, (the latitude is the variable to consider in this case) as well as the monthly energy yield generated on each topology.
Finally, a comparison of incident energy yield per topology (including the new offshore one) will be assessed and discussed, indicating what are the results found in this project, which tools were used to get these results and how they were obtained.