Plastic litter in the ocean

Modeling of the vertical transport of micro plastics in the ocean

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Plastic pollution is a big problem all over the world. Every year more plastic is produced, a lot of plastic litter is mismanaged and enters the ocean. It’s important to know where these plastics accumulate. With this information the problem can be quantified and the plastic litter can be cleaned up. In this project, the transport of micro plastics will be studied. These are plastic particles with a diameter smaller than 5 mm.

To model micro plastics in an accurate way, it is important to include the physical properties of plastics in a transport model. Plastic particles have an extra upwards buoyancy force in the vertical direction, this force has to be taken into account in the model. Therefore, the two-dimensional vertical behavior of plastic particles is studied in this project. Two common transport models are explored: the advection-diffusion equation and a stochastic random walk model. The properties of plastics are discussed and how the transport models can be adapted to be adequate to model micro plastics.

Micro plastics are assumed as spheres in fluid. With this assumption, the flow regime around a plastic particle is estimated with the Reynolds number. These assumptions make it possible to calculate a terminal buoyancy velocity, due to the floating character of plastic. This velocity is added in the vertical direction to
both transport models. To model the turbulence in the ocean, the eddy diffusivity coefficient is defined. This is a variable that states how turbulent the flow is, it can be described as an enhanced diffusion coefficient. The eddy diffusivity coefficient can be estimated with the model Prandlt defined. Here we used a simplified turbulence model for the tests described. In combination with Delft3D-FM the eddy diffusivity from the turbulence model in there can be used.

Both models are implemented in Matlab. The characteristics of the model match with the expected behavior of floating plastics. Plastic particles will perfectly follow the velocity field, except for the extra vertical velocity. When this term is non-zero, the particles will float. Both models have some limitations in efficiency
for modeling plastic particles. The advection-diffusion equation is not suitable for high concentration gradients. The random walk model is not suitable for big areas or long timescales. The choice between both models is depending on the sort of case that someone wants to model.

This project has been carried out at Deltares, an independent water research institute. At Deltares there is a two-dimensional horizontal model available to model particles in the ocean. In the future the existing model of Deltares and the model in this project could be combined. This combined model can be tested for
real-life situations in the ocean. With this combined model, the physical properties of plastics are included in a three-dimensional particle model.