Sander Otte
22 records found
Scaling magnets down to where quantum size effects become prominent triggers quantum tunneling of magnetization (QTM), profoundly influencing magnetization dynamics. Measuring magnetization switching in an Fe atomic chain under a carefully tuned transverse magnetic field, we obse
The nuclear spin, being much more isolated from the environment than its electronic counterpart, presents opportunities for quantum experiments with prolonged coherence times. Electron spin resonance (ESR) combined with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) provides a bottom-up pl
Certifying quantum entanglement is a critical step toward realizing quantum-coherent applications. In this work, we show that entanglement of spins can be unambiguously evidenced in a scanning tunneling microscope with electron spin resonance by exploiting the fact that entangled
Differential conductance spectroscopy performed in the high bias regime - in which the applied voltage exceeds the sample work function - is a suboptimal measure of the local density of states due to the effects of the changing tunnel barrier. Additionally, the large applied volt
Historically, electron spin resonance (ESR) has provided excellent insight into the electronic, magnetic, and chemical structure of samples hosting spin centers. In particular, the hyperfine interaction between the electron and the nuclear spins yields valuable structural informa
Atomically engineered artificial lattices are a useful tool for simulating complex quantum phenomena, but have so far been limited to the study of Hamiltonians where electron-electron interactions do not play a role. However, it is precisely the regime in which these interactions
Full insight into the dynamics of a coupled quantum system depends on the ability to follow the effect of a local excitation in real-time. Here, we trace the free coherent evolution of a pair of coupled atomic spins by means of scanning tunneling microscopy. Rather than using mic
Atomic spin structures assembled by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) provide valuable insight into the understanding of atomic-scale magnetism. Among the major challenges are the detection and subsequent read-out of ultrafast spin dynamics due to a dichotomy in travel
The orbital angular moment of magnetic atoms adsorbed on surfaces is often quenched as a result of an anisotropic crystal field. Due to spin-orbit coupling, what remains of the orbital moment typically delineates the orientation of the electron spin. These two effects limit the s
Atomic spin chains on surfaces
Magnetism at low dimensions is a thriving field of research with exciting opportunities in technology. This Colloquium focuses on the properties of 1D magnetic systems on solid surfaces. From the emulation of 1D quantum phases to the potential realization of Majorana edge states,
We present controlled growth of c(2 × 2)N islands on the (100) surface of Cu3Au, which can be used as an insulating surface template for manipulation of magnetic adatoms. Compared to the commonly used Cu(100)/c(2 × 2)N surface, where island sizes do not exceed several
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy investigations of superconducting-doped topological insulators
Experimental pitfalls and results
Recently, the doping of topological insulators has attracted significant interest as a potential route towards topological superconductivity. Because many experimental techniques lack sufficient surface sensitivity, however, definite proof of the coexistence of topological surfac
We investigate the thickness-dependent electronic properties of ultrathin SrIrO3 and discover a transition from a semimetallic to a correlated insulating state below 4 unit cells. Low-temperature magnetoconductance measurements show that spin fluctuations in the semimetallic stat
The interaction of electrons with a periodic potential of atoms in crystalline solids gives rise to band structure. The band structure of existing materials can be measured by photoemission spectroscopy and accurately understood in terms of the tight-binding model, however not ma
Within the last three decades Scanning Probe Microscopy has been developed to a powerful tool for measuring surfaces and their properties on an atomic scale such that users can be found nowadays not only in academia but also in industry. This development is still pushed further b
The advent of devices based on single dopants, such as the single-atom transistor, the single-spin magnetometer and the single-atom memory, has motivated the quest for strategies that permit the control of matter with atomic precision. Manipulation of individual atoms by low-temp
The ability to manipulate single atoms has opened up the door to constructing interesting and useful quantum structures from the ground up. On the one hand, nanoscale arrangements of magnetic atoms are at the heart of future quantum computing and spintronic devices; on the other