Jose L. Lado

12 records found

Determining Hamiltonian parameters from noisy experimental measurements is a key task for the control of experimental quantum systems. An interesting experimental platform where precise knowledge of device parameters is useful is the quantum-dot-based Kitaev chain. In these syste ...
Quasi-flat-bands emerging in buckled monolayer graphene superlattices have been recently shown to realize correlated states analogous to those observed in twisted graphene multilayers. Here, we demonstrate the emergence of valley topology driven by competing electronic correlatio ...
Electronic correlations stemming from nearly flat bands in van der Waals materials have demonstrated to be a powerful playground to engineer artificial quantum matter, including superconductors, correlated insulators and topological matter. This phenomenology has been experimenta ...
The interaction of electrons with a periodic potential of atoms in crystalline solids gives rise to band structure. The band structure of existing materials can be measured by photoemission spectroscopy and accurately understood in terms of the tight-binding model, however not ma ...
Two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting materials are particularly appealing for many applications. Although theory predicts a large number of 2D materials, experimentally only a few of these materials have been identified and characterized comprehensively in the ultrathin limit. Lea ...
We report on the large-scale synthesis of highly oriented ultrathin MoO3 layers using a simple and low-cost atmospheric pressure, van der Waals epitaxy growth on muscovite mica substrates. By this method, we are able to synthesize high quality centimeter-scale MoO ...
The advent of devices based on single dopants, such as the single-atom transistor, the single-spin magnetometer and the single-atom memory, has motivated the quest for strategies that permit the control of matter with atomic precision. Manipulation of individual atoms by low-temp ...