F.E. Kalff
5 records found
In this thesis, a technique is developed to manipulate individual atoms on an ionic surface, with great precision and at a large scale, to study the quantum mechanical properties of atomic assemblies on the nanoscale.
We use the needle of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) t
The interaction of electrons with a periodic potential of atoms in crystalline solids gives rise to band structure. The band structure of existing materials can be measured by photoemission spectroscopy and accurately understood in terms of the tight-binding model, however not ma
Within the last three decades Scanning Probe Microscopy has been developed to a powerful tool for measuring surfaces and their properties on an atomic scale such that users can be found nowadays not only in academia but also in industry. This development is still pushed further b
The advent of devices based on single dopants, such as the single-atom transistor, the single-spin magnetometer and the single-atom memory, has motivated the quest for strategies that permit the control of matter with atomic precision. Manipulation of individual atoms by low-temp