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Machine learning-based somatic variant calling in cell-free DNA of metastatic breast cancer patients using large NGS panels
Machine learning-based somatic variant calling in cell-free DNA of metastatic breast cancer patients using large NGS panels
Cell type matching across species using protein embeddings and transfer learning
Cell type matching across species using protein embeddings and transfer learning
The future of artificial intelligence in intensive care
The future of artificial intelligence in intensive care: moving from predictive to actionable AI
Self-Supervised PPG Representation Learning Shows High Inter-Subject Variability
Self-Supervised PPG Representation Learning Shows High Inter-Subject Variability
Single-cell reference mapping to construct and extend cell-type hierarchies
Single-cell reference mapping to construct and extend cell-type hierarchies
Epigenetic and Metabolomic Biomarkers for Biological Age
Epigenetic and Metabolomic Biomarkers for Biological Age: A Comparative Analysis of Mortality and Frailty Risk
Benchmarking variational AutoEncoders on cancer transcriptomics data
Benchmarking variational AutoEncoders on cancer transcriptomics data
Benchmarking Outlier Detection Methods for Detecting IEM Patients in Untargeted Metabolomics Data
Benchmarking Outlier Detection Methods for Detecting IEM Patients in Untargeted Metabolomics Data
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
Integration of metabolomics with genomics
Integration of metabolomics with genomics: Metabolic gene prioritization using metabolomics data and genomic variant (CADD) scores
Development and validation of an early warning model for hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Development and validation of an early warning model for hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a multi-center retrospective cohort study
Dynamic Digital Twin
Dynamic Digital Twin: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prediction, and Prevention of Disease During the Life Course
Single-cell immune profiling reveals thymus-seeding populations, T cell commitment, and multilineage development in the human thymus
Single-cell immune profiling reveals thymus-seeding populations, T cell commitment, and multilineage development in the human thymus
MiMIR: R-shiny application to infer risk factors and endpoints from Nightingale Health's 1H-NMR metabolomics data
Metabolomic predictors of phenotypic traits can replace and complement measured clinical variables in population-scale expression profiling studies
Metabolomic predictors of phenotypic traits can replace and complement measured clinical variables in population-scale expression profiling studies
Machine Learning for Cardiovascular Outcomes from Wearable Data
Machine Learning for Cardiovascular Outcomes from Wearable Data: Systematic Review from a Technology Readiness Level Point of View
PLIS: A metabolomic response monitor to a lifestyle intervention study in older adults
scMoC: single-cell multi-omics clustering
scMoC: single-cell multi-omics clustering
1H-NMR metabolomics-based surrogates to impute common clinical risk factors and endpoints
1H-NMR metabolomics-based surrogates to impute common clinical risk factors and endpoints
WisecondorFF: Improved Fetal Aneuploidy Detection from Shallow WGS through Fragment Length Analysis
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