Searched for: faculty%253A%2522OTB%2522
(1 - 20 of 29)


Pijlman, L. (author), Van den Hazel, R. (author), Vaessen, M. (author), Nicasie, J. (author), Fokkema, M. (author), Borgmeijer, E. (author), Draaijer, P. (author), Nieuwenhuis, W. (author), Radstake, E. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author), Louw, E. (author), De Wolff, H.W. (author), Van der Sluis - Van Meijeren, M. (author), Adriaanse, C.M.M. (author), Ouwehand, A.L. (author), Romein, A. (author), Trip, J.J. (author), Hoekstra, J.S.C.M. (author)
book 2010
Boumeester, H. (author), Wassenberg, F. (author), Korthals Altes, H.J. (author)
Het verbeteren van het beheer is een van de pijlers van de vernieuwingsplannen van de Bijlmermeer. De veiligheid in en rond de flats moet verbeteren door meer toezicht te houden op wat er in de flats gebeurt. Reeds midden jaren tachtig bepleitte het Ministerie van Justitie (in navolging van de commissie Roethot) voor verscherping van het...
book 1996
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
book chapter 2009
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
Planning on a national level performs a different function to planning on a local level. Uncertainty plays a larger role, as national planning is often more abstract, i.e., local government has its own responsibilities for the precise location of activities, and zoning of land use. National planning is a process in which public and private...
book chapter 2008
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
conference paper 2012
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
conference paper 2013
Turk, S.S. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
A large part of the population has no access to proper housing. This situation is most severe in large growing metropolises in the developing world, such as Istanbul, Turkey, where a third of the population is living in squatter housing. Typically there is a is a dual structure of both legal and illegal land development, where the legal sector...
conference paper 2010
Turk, S.S. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
Accommodating urban growth in the fast growing city of Istanbul encounters several problems. This paper discusses the development of greenfield sites in Istanbul by examining the institutional structure of the land development process of some recent large-scale housing projects using a framework of institutional analysis. The result reveals that...
journal article 2010
Van der Veen, M. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
Contracts between local government and private investment agencies play an important role in strategic urban projects. Real estate cycles provide only a narrow window of opportunity within which to draft such contracts. A legal system should therefore not impede the possibility of reaching an agreement quickly; instead, it should facilitate...
journal article 2009
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
Excessive land use regulations aimed at containing urban sprawl have been criticised, because they may overcompensate for the external effects of uncontrolled greenfield development and contribute to stagnation in house building. Taxes on building in green spaces may be an instrument for balancing urban growth and the protection of the landscape...
journal article 2009
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
journal article 2006
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
Grondbeleid is voor gemeenten geen doel op zich. Het wordt beschouwd als een middel om andere doelstellingen te bereiken. Volkshuisvesting of wonen is, naast bijvoorbeeld economische ontwikkeling, een belangrijk beleidsterrein waar het grondbeleid een bijdrage aan probeert te geven. Nu is het beleid op het gebied van het wonen de afgelopen...
journal article 2013
Groetelaers, D.A. (author), Haffner, M.E.A. (author), van der Heijden, H.M.H. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author), Tasan-Kok, M.T. (author)
In deze bijdrage brengen we in kaart hoe de Nederlandse praktijk van lage grondprijzen voor corporatiewoningen zich verhoudt tot de Europese regelgeving over staatssteun. Is de huidige praktijk toelaatbaar en zo nee, hoe kan wel worden voldaan aan de Europese regels?
journal article 2009
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author), Tambach, M. (author)
Promoting mixed-use development is part of policies aimed at enhancing urban quality. Until recently, however, industry and housing have rarely been found together in the same development as there is a long tradition of keeping these functions separate. As part of a compact-city policy, Dutch local authorities are in the process of introducing...
journal article 2009
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author), Van Rij, H.E. (author)
Greenhouses are a typical example of peri-urban land-use, a phenomenon that many planning systems find difficult to address as it mixes agricultural identity with urban appearance. Despite its urban appearance, greenhouse development often manages to evade urban containment policies. But a ban on greenhouse development might well result in under...
journal article 2013
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
lecture notes 2009
De Wolff, H.W. (author), Groetelaers, D.A. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
report 2013
De Wolff, H.W. (author), Groetelaers, D.A. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
report 2011
Groetelaers, D.A. (author), De Wolff, H.W. (author), Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
report 2013
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author), Groetelaers, D.A. (author), De Jong, J. (author)
De rapportage beantwoordt de volgende onderzoeksvragen: Is er een verschil in grondwaarde tussen een eeuwigdurend recht van erfpacht en vol eigendom? Zo ja, waar bestaat dit waardeverschil dan uit? Zo ja, hoe kan in de Haagse praktijk dit waardeverschil (tussen het eeuwigdurend recht van erfpacht en eigendom) worden vastgesteld?
report 2006
Searched for: faculty%253A%2522OTB%2522
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