Collection: research
(81 - 100 of 27,612)


Newton, C.E.L. (author)
At the dawn of International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the importance of feminist solidarity and the need to amplify the voices of these women who have been at the forefront of local organisations and planning in their communities. Too often, these women have been overlooked in the writing of (planning and design) history. By celebrating...
report 2023
Newton, C.E.L. (author)
This blog post delves into ‘Imprints of Contestation’, the powerful art expressions within urban spaces that challenge systemic injustices. By exploring the dual nature of this art as a catalyst for change and its susceptibility to commodification, the post invites you to reflect on the transformative potential of urban creativity.
report 2023
Newton, C.E.L. (author)
report 2023
Bacani, J. (author), Viseu Cardoso, Rodrigo (author)
International and prestigious universities located in small cities are growing at a rate beyond the spatial capacity of their host city. Due to this, the presence of students and student housing in these cities has exponentially grown and resulted in a myriad of social, cultural, economic, and spatial impacts. This is known as ‘studentification’...
report 2023
Esteban, T.A.O.E. (author)
report 2023
Poppema, D.W. (author), Voorendt, M.Z. (author), Mai Van, C. (author), Moll, J.R. (author), Jonkman, Sebastiaan N. (author), van der Scheer, P. (author), van Ledden, M. (author), Kazi, S. (author)
This report investigates how embankments in Bangladesh could be upgraded with no or limited footprint increase. Many Bangladesh embankments need to be upgraded to improve flood protection. Traditionally, embankments are upgraded by adding more soil, heightening the crests while simultaneously widening the embankment maintain slope stability.<br/...
report 2023
Taale, Henk (author), Oirbans, Leonard (author), Spruijtenburg, Dawn (author), Wilmink, Isabel (author)
report 2023
Crevels, Eric (author), Mejia Hernandez, J.A. (author)
The study of built objects has always played a key role in the education of the architect. At the earliest stages of training most of us sat in front of buildings and drew them, trying to capture their overall features and minute details. What appears simple is, in fact, an extremely meaningful exercise. It presumes that drawing an existing...
report 2023
Grillo, F. (author), de Vries, H.J. (author)
Working conditions of gig workers on platforms such as Uber, Lyft, and Deliveroo raise concerns due to lack of labor protections, low pay, and precarious working arrangements. The recent Directive proposal by the European Commission on Platform Work (Directive 2021/880) aims to address such concerns. However, it provides guidelines for...
report 2023
de Jonge, W. (author), Clarke, Nicholas (author), Kerkhoven, C.W. (author)
A Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for governing, managing, maintaining and eventual changes of the Aula Building at the Delft University of Technology, aimed at optimizing the balance between the value as a listed national monument and the value for daily use of the building.<br/>The CMP provides advice to all parties concerned, based on...
report 2023
Terwel, K.C. (author)
Constructieve veiligheid verbeteren; een thema dat mij al bezighoudt sinds ik in 2001 startte als constructeur. In de daaropvolgende jaren werd de bouw opgeschrikt door de ingestorte balkons in Maastricht (2003) en de schade bij het parkeerdek Bos &amp; Lommer (2006). Ik werd me bewust van de grote verantwoordelijkheid die een constructeur heeft...
report 2023
Wagner, Eduard (author), Rukanova, B.D. (author), Bernier, Carolynn (author), Wautelet, Thibaud (author), Ayed, Anne-Christine (author), Böll, Marvin (author), Gayko, Jens (author), Schneider, Andreas (author), Bendzuck, Konrad (author), von Dalwigk, Ilka (author)
report 2023
Buis, Lisanne (author), Draisma, Max (author), van der Ent, Nils (author), van der Hagen, Joep (author), Hartmeyer, Lea (author), Kaletkina, Anna (author), Iuorio, Luca (author), Wüthrich, D. (author), Hooimeijer, F.L. (author)
Venice is representative of the result of anthropocene acts on a vulnerable delta system. Therefore it is an excellent study case for a multidisciplinary team of TU students and tutors, to perform interdisciplinary research and design. Two visions were developed on the shared knowledge base to investigate ‘how do flood defense systems influence...
report 2023
Hooimeijer, F.L. (author), Kuzniecow Bacchin, T. (author)
The power of design is to be able to see beyond the existing reality and push its boundaries to new sustainable futures. It enables change in ways of doing that created the existing reality in the first place. It creates change. Redesigning Deltas investigates this power of interdisciplinary design in which urban, landscape, and engineering...
report 2023
Panigyrakis, Phoebus I. (author)
Architecture historian Hans Ibelings wrote 'Modern Architecture: A Planetary Warming History'. It differs from the history books you know in terms of format, narrative, subject and presentation. If form and function have been the points of contention for the past two hundred years, ecological footprint and nature-inclusiveness might be those for...
report 2023
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
De relatie tussen stad en land staat vol in de schijnwerpers in het debat over onder meer stikstof, woningbouw en de energietransitie. TU Delft-hoogleraar Willem Korthals Altes laat zien dat de bewoners van het landelijke gebied in de afgelopen decennia in een ‘economische tredmolen’ zijn beland. Voor de vernieuwing van het landelijke gebied is...
report 2023
Boeve, M.N. (author), Groothuijse, F.A.G. (author)
De hoofdvraag van deze verkennende pilot study is de volgende vraag: Welke lessen kunnen worden geleerd van eerdere vereenvoudigingsoperaties in de ruimtelijke ordening? In het onderzoek staat de ruimtelijke ordening centraal. Deze kent een groei aan regelcomplexiteit sinds de inwerkingtreding van de WRO in 1965. Regels uit andere deelgebieden...
report 2023
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
This document reports Deliverable D2.12- Report on local conferences - Final of the RURALIZATION project. The objective of the deliverable is to report on the actions carried out so far on the planification, organization and implementation of the local conferences. These events are envisaged in T2.5 of WP2 – Dissemination and Exploitation of the...
report 2023
Korthals Altes, W.K. (author)
One of the tasks in the RURALIZATION project has been the development of a Massive Online Course (MOOC) entitled “Ruralization: Creating New Opportunities in Rural Areas”.<br/>The MOOC has been running on the edX platform from March 1st 2023 up to April 12th 2023. (
report 2023
Moura, Giovane C. M. (author), Davids, Marco (author), Schutijser, Caspar (author), Hesselman, Cristian (author), Heidemann, John (author), Smaragdakis, G. (author)
Time synchronization is crucial on the Internet, and the Network Time Protocol<br/>(NTP) serves as the primary synchronization protocol. The NTP Pool, a<br/>volunteer-driven project introduced 20 years ago, connects clients with NTP servers. Our analysis of Root DNS queries reveals the NTP Pool's widespread use as the most popular time service....
report 2023
Collection: research
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