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7 records found



A Compact Platform for Autonomous Driving Research

This paper presents the design of a research platform for autonomous driving applications, the Delft's Autonomous-driving Robotic Testbed (DART). Our goal was to design a small-scale car-like robot equipped with all the hardware needed for on-board navigation and control while ...

We propose a novel approach to track the state of charge (SoC) of batteries in mobile robots to improve their capabilities. The batteries' status is critical to accomplish their mission, but limited battery life can be a challenge. Our methodology focuses on modeling and estim ...

Time-Inverted Kuramoto Model Meets Lissajous Curves

Multi-Robot Persistent Monitoring and Target Detection

This letter proposes a distributed strategy to achieve both persistent monitoring and target detection in a rectangular and obstacle-free environment. Each robot has to repeatedly follow a smooth trajectory and avoid collisions with other robots. To achieve this goal, we rely ...

This work presents a method for multi-robot coordination based on a novel distributed nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) formulation for trajectory optimization and its modified version to mitigate the effects of packet losses and delays in the communication among the r ...

We present a novel Curvature-Aware Model Pre-dictive Contouring Control (CA-MPCC) formulation for mobile robotics motion planning. Our method aims at generalizing the traditional contouring control formulation derived from machining to autonomous driving applications. The propose ...


This work introduces a novel training strategy for Gaussian Process (GP) models aimed at improving their predictive accuracy and uncertainty quantification capabilities over extended prediction horizons. This improvement is highly relevant for applications in model predictive con ...
Cooperative driving controllers are becoming interesting subjects for future research in automated driving with the increase in connectivity. Using true-scale
autonomous vehicles to properly test new control algorithms can be a challenge
due to three main factors: costs, ...