Matteo Gamarino

7 records found


We propose a two-dimensional (2-D) modal approach for spatial rehomogenization of nodal cross sections in light water reactor analysis. This algorithm aims to synthesize the variation in the 2-D intranodal distributions of the few-group flux and directional net currents between t ...
In reactor core nodal analysis, the dependence of few-group, homogenized cross sections on the local physical conditions (i.e., the thermal-hydraulic state and material composition) is commonly represented via multivariate interpolation in parameterized libraries. In this paper, ...
This thesis develops novel first-principle methods to correct homogenization errors in nodal cross sections and discontinuity factors. Its aim is to improve the accuracy of nodal diffusion simulations of heterogeneous core configurations. This research builds upon previous wor ...
Modeling spectral effects due to core heterogeneity is one of the major challenges for current nodal analysis tools, whose accuracy is often deteriorated by cross-section homogenization errors. AREVA NP recently developed a spectral rehomogenization method that estimates the vari ...
Nodal diffusion is currently the preferred neutronics model for industrial reactor core calculations, which use few-group cross-section libraries generated via standard assembly homogenization. The infinite-medium flux-weighted cross sections fail to capture the spectral effects ...
Industrial reactor-core calculations mostly resort to the nodal-diffusion methodology, relying on the homogenization paradigm for the generation of few-group assembly cross-sections. The incapability of cross-sections condensed with the infinite-medium spectrum to model core-envi ...
Few-group cross sections used in nodal calculations derive from standard energy collapsing and spatial homogenization performed during preliminary lattice transport calculations, that implicitly assume an infinite array of identical fuel-assemblies. The infinite-medium neutron fl ...