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R. van der Lugt
Academic Work (37)
Supervised Work (1)
Book (2)
Book chapter (5)
Conference paper (20)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (9)
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37 records found
From a business perspective this approach to innovation is quite unsettling
Book chapter (2013) -
T.L. Enninga (author)
Tanja Enninga (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Service design : Inzichten uit negen praktijkvoorbeelden
Book (2013) -
Tanja Enninga (author)
T.L. Enninga (author)
M.A.J. Manschot (author)
C van Gessel (author)
J Gijbels (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
F Verhoeven (author)
B.K. Godfroij (author)
Photoboarding: Exploring Service interactions with acting-out and storyboarding
Journal article (2012) -
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
C.E. Postma (author)
P.J. Stappers (author)
Stepping down from the clouds: making an alternative approach towards sustainable development applicable for design pracice
Conference paper (2010) -
P Veen (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Material design workshop
Conference paper (2009) -
D.P. Saakes (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
It's more about skills than recipes
Conference paper (2009) -
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Service design pressure cookers
Book chapter (2009) -
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Searching for user involvement in SME design practice
Conference paper (2009) -
C.S.H. de Lille (author)
P.J. Stappers (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Collecting with cabinet: or how designers organise visual material, researched through an experiential prototype
Journal article (2008) -
A.I. Keller (author)
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
P.J. Stappers (author)
Teaching contextmapping to industrial design
Conference paper (2007) -
P.J. Stappers (author)
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
RichViz! Inspiring design teams with rich visualizations
Book (2007) -
P.J. Stappers (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
C. van der Lelie (author)
Innovation spaces: Towards a framework for understanding the role of the physical environment in innovation
Journal article (2007) -
J Moultrie (author)
M Nilsson (author)
M Dissel (author)
UE Haner (author)
S Janssen (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Sharing user experiences in the product innovation process: participatory design needs participatory communication
Journal article (2007) -
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
P.J. Stappers (author)
Design games for simulating design communication
Conference paper (2007) -
M.S. Kleinsmann (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Future center "The Shipyard": Learning from planning, developing, using and refining a creative facility
Journal article (2007) -
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
S Janssen (author)
S Kuperus (author)
E de Lange (author)
Widening involvement in creative group processes
Book chapter (2006) -
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
Participatory design needs participatory commumication: new tools for sharing user insights in the product in new product innovation process
Book chapter (2006) -
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
P.J. Stappers (author)
Bottom-up strategies in consumer-lead markets
Conference paper (2006) -
CM Munnecke (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
Contextmapping: experience from practice
Journal article (2005) -
F. Sleeswijk Visser (author)
P.J. Stappers (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
EBN Sanders (author)
Human-centered design methodology
Conference paper (2005) -
P.G. Badke-Schaub (author)
Peter Lloyd (author)
P.A. Lloyd (author)
R. van der Lugt (author)
Remko van der Lugt (author)
N.F.M. Roozenburg (author)