Onno Kramer

34 records found


Liquid-solid fluidisation is frequently encountered in drinking water treatment processes, for instance in seeded crystallisation softening processes. For modest superficial fluid velocities, liquid–solid fluidisation systems are generally considered to be homogeneous, as reporte ...
Granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration is an important unit operation in drinking water treatment. GAC filtration is widely used for its filtration and adsorption capabilities as a barrier for undesired organic macro- and micro-pollutants. GAC filtration consists of two succe ...
In the Netherlands, central softening of drinking water is widely applied for reasons of public health, client comfort, economic and environmental benefits. Currently, the detrimental contributions of softening, in particular the use of chemicals and energy, are taken into accoun ...
In drinking water treatment plants, multiphase flows are a frequent phenomenon. Examples of such flows are pellet-softening and filter backwashing where liquid-solid fluidisation is applied. A better grasp of these fluidisation processes is needed to be able to determine optimal ...
Fluid flow through a bed of solid particles is an important process that occurs in full-scale water treatment operations. The Carman–Kozeny model remains highly popular for estimating the resistance across the bed. It is common practice to use particle shape factors in fixed bed ...
Liquid-solid fluidisation is frequently encountered in drinking water treatment processes, often to obtain a large liquid-solid interfacial surface area. A large surface area is crucial for optimal seeded crystallisation in full-scale softening reactors. Due to crystallisation, p ...

Expansion Column Virtual Lab

Laboratory manual for liquid-solid fluidisation experiments

A virtual lab (MOOC) for students chemical, civil or mechanical engineering. Students are introduced with a fluidised bed reactor (multiphase flow). This expansion column represents a liquid-solid fluidisation process applied in drinking water treatment processes. The knowledge y ...
In full-scale drinking water production plants in the Netherlands, central softening is widely used for reasons related to public health, client comfort, and economic and environmental benefits. Almost 500 million cubic meters of water is softened annually through seeded crystall ...
A novel effective drag relation for liquid-solid fluidisation is proposed, suitable for application in full-scale installations. This is achieved by presenting new insights related to the influence of the temporal-spatial heterogeneity on the effective hydrodynamic drag for large ...

One of the most popular and frequently used models for describing homogeneous liquid-solid fluidised suspensions is the model developed by Richardson & Zaki in 1954. The superficial fluid velocity and terminal settling velocity together with an index makes it possible to d ...

For an accurate prediction of the porosity of a liquid-solid homogenous fluidized bed, various empirical prediction models have been developed. Symbolic regression machine learning techniques are suitable for analyzing experimental fluidization data to produce empirical expressio ...
Van een afstand in de ruimte ziet onze aarde er blauw uit. Je zou het daarom misschien niet verwachten, maar onze mooie planeet is toch heel erg droog. Met een toenemende wereldbevolking en een wens naar meer welvaart neemt de ‘water-stress’ steeds meer toe en dit betreft vooral ...

Drinking water pellet softening

Prediction the terminal settling velocity of natural particles

Natural particles are frequently applied in drinking water treatment in up-flow fluidisation processes. Additionally, sedimentation processes are applied to clarify water and to concentrate solids. To estimate the terminal settling velocity of single solid particles in a liquid s ...
The literature provides a comprehensive collection of equations to estimate the terminal settling velocity of single solid particles in a liquid system. The settling velocity for perfectly round spheres can accurately be calculated. In the contrary for natural imperfect particles ...
About 50% of the drinking water in the Netherlands is centrally softened by the drinking water companies in a process known as pellet softening. In this process a base and seeding material are mixed in an upflow reactor, where subsequently CaCO3 precipitates on a seed core as pel ...
Softening at drinking water treatment plants is often realised by fluidised bed pellet reactors. Generally, sand is used as seeding material and pellets are produced as a by-product. To improve to sustainability, research has been carried out to replace the seeding material by re ...

Twenty years of experience with central softening in The Netherlands

Water quality – Environmental benefits – Costs

Central softening has been utilized by the Dutch water utilities since the late 1970s. It was introduced in the water treatment process as a method to supply water with an optimum water composition to prevent lead and copper release and to prevent excessive scaling. Twenty years ...


An improved kinetic model and optimized configurations for pellet softening

Modeling and optimization of pellet softening process in drinking water treatment

In the last decade, several process modifications took place in the Loenderveen (LDV)- Weesperkarspel (WPK) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) of Waternet. There are four process modifications initiated over time: first, a shift from garnet sand to calcite pellets as seeding materials f ...

Fluidization behavior of granular activated carbon

For drinking water treatment applications

For drinking water treatment applications, it is possible to predict the external porosity of an expanded bed of granular activated carbon in fluidized conditions. A new model has been developed with a 2% relative prediction error.

In order to supply sufficient and safe ...

An improved model of calcium carbonate crystallization

An improved kinetics-model for the calcium carbonate crystallization in the fluidized bed softening reactors at the Weesperkarspel drinking water treatment plant

One of the main targets of Waternet, the water-cycle company of Amsterdam, is to increase the sustainability of water treatment. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to improve the efficiency and to decrease the use of chemicals during pellet softening process. However, the mode ...