C.R. Kleijn
247 records found
The absorptivity of a material is a major uncertainty in numerical simulations of laser welding and additive manufacturing, and its value is often calibrated through trial-and-error exercises. This adversely affects the capability of numerical simulations when predicting the proc
The disease atherosclerosis causes stenosis inside the patient's arteries, which often eventually turns lethal. Our goal is to detect a stenosis in a non-invasive manner, preferably in an early stage. To that end, we study whether and how laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) can
In the present study, we propose the use of a light, inert carrier gas to support deposition uniformity and rate in continuous physical vapor deposition, in which closely spaced slots or nozzles are required to achieve a sufficiently high deposition rate. Interaction shocks betwe
The dependence of speckle contrast on velocity
A numerical study
We study how the speckle contrast depends on scatterer velocity, with the goal of further developing laser speckle imaging as a quantitative measurement technique. To that end, we perform interferometric computer simulations on a dilute plug flow. The results of our numerical exp
Modeling of a continuous physical vapor deposition process
Mass transfer limitations by evaporation rate and sonic choking
In recent years, Physical Vapor Deposition has been advanced to a continuous process which makes it amenable for in-line, high-quality and energy-efficient galvanization. To achieve the high and uniform mass flow required for in-line production, a Vapor Distribution Box is used,
Molten metal melt pools are characterised by highly non-linear responses, which are very sensitive to imposed boundary conditions. Temporal and spatial variations in the energy flux distribution are often neglected in numerical simulations of melt pool behaviour. Additionally, th
The initial thickness and radius of the film that forms upon close contact of two foam bubbles are known to influence the thinning dynamics and lifetime of the film. Various scalings of lifetime tr, with initial radius Rfilm and thickness ho, have been proposed in literature. In
Internal flow behaviour and melt-pool surface oscillations during arc welding are complex and not yet fully understood. In the present work, high-fidelity numerical simulations are employed to describe the effects of welding position, sulphur concentration (60-300 ppm) and travel
One of the challenges for development, qualification and optimisation of arc welding processes lies in characterising the complex melt-pool behaviour which exhibits highly non-linear responses to variations of process parameters. The present work presents a computational model to
Development, optimisation and qualification of welding and additive manufacturing procedures to date have largely been undertaken on an experimental trial and error basis, which imposes significant costs. Numerical simulations are acknowledged as a promising alternative to experi
The interaction between rarefied vapor plumes can cause shocks and consequently distinct peaks in mass flux which produce undesirable non-uniformities. To evaluate the impact of shock formation, we study pairs of interacting planar plumes, varying the degree of rarefaction and ge
We investigate natural convection driven by a horizontal temperature gradient and a vertical concentration gradient in fluid-filled enclosures with obstructions inside it. Within the domain, nine adiabatic and impermeable cylinders are placed, occupying 30% of the domain volume.
We report numerical simulations of assisting and opposing mixed convection in a side-heated, side-cooled cavity packed with relatively large solid spheres. The mixed convection is generated by imposing a movement on the isothermal vertical walls, either in or opposite to the dire
This paper reports on an experimental study of mixed convection flow and heat transfer in a vented, differentially side-heated cubical cavity filled with a porous medium consisting of relatively large solid low-conductivity spheres. Rayleigh numbers and Reynolds numbers are varie
We report numerical simulations of natural convection and conjugate heat transfer in a differentially heated cubical cavity packed with relatively large hydrogel beads (d/L=0.2) in a Simple Cubic Packing configuration. We study the influence of a spatially non-uniform, sinusoidal
Effect of packing height and location of porous media on heat transfer in a cubical cavity
Are extended Darcy simulations sufficient?
We numerically investigate natural convection in a bottom-heated top-cooled cavity, fully and partially filled with adiabatic spheres (with diameter-to-cavity-size ratio d/L=0.2) arranged in a Simple Cubic Packing (SCP) configuration. We study the influence of packing height and
Self-limiting gas-surface reactions lead to reaction fronts that penetrate nanoporous materials with a finite speed. We present a closed form theoretical model, validated against molecular simulations, that shows the influence of the fractal scaling law on the time needed to full
We show experimentally, and explain theoretically, what velocity is needed to break an elongated droplet entering a microfluidic T-junction. Our experiments on short droplets confirm previous experimental and theoretical work that shows that the critical velocity for breakup scal
Thermal fluctuations have been shown to influence the thinning dynamics of planar thin liquid films, bringing predicted rupture times closer to experiments. Most liquid films in nature and industry are, however, non-planar. Thinning of such films not just results from the interpl