
N de Jong

29 records found


S.S. Khalafvand, J.D. Voorneveld, H.W. Mulder, A. Haak, F.J.H. Gijsen, J.G. Bosch, N. de Jong, S. Kenjeres (2016), “Numerical modelling of 4D left ventricular blood flow using computed tomography imaging and computational fluid dynamics”, Proceedings of the Virtual physiology hu ...
In this paper, a programmable time-gain-compensation amplifier dedicated to a 2D piezoelectric ultrasound transducer is presented. It uses an open-loop amplifier structure consisting of a voltage-to-current converter and a current-to-voltage converter. The circuit has been design ...
Predictions of nonlinear ultrasound beams of a medical phased array transducer, steered at 0, 22.5 and 45 degrees, and generated by a forward-wave and a full-wave numerical model are presented. The results from both models show a good agreement in the unsteered situation and in a ...
In order to predict the pulsed, nonlinear ultrasound field from medical phased array transducers, a numerical model has been developed that computes this field in a large-scale, three-dimensional configuration. The model is free of an assumed (quasi-plane) directionality in both ...
A full wave 3d time domain algorithm is presented that calculates the nonlinear acoustic wavefield of medical phased array transducers emitting an arbitratily steered, focused apodized beam. The algorithm can be used for computer simulation studies of the occuring second and high ...