
3 records found

Cloud Botany

Shallow Cumulus Clouds in an Ensemble of Idealized Large-Domain Large-Eddy Simulations of the Trades

Small shallow cumulus clouds (less-than 1 km) over the tropical oceans appear to possess the ability to self-organize into mesoscale (10–100 km) patterns. To better understand the processes leading to such self-organized convection, we present Cloud Botany, an ensemble of 103 lar ...
Stratocumulus occur in closed- or open-cell states, which tend to be associated with high or low cloud cover and the absence or presence of precipitation, respectively. Thus, the transition between these states has substantial implications for the role of this cloud type in Ea ...
Numerical simulations of the tropical mesoscales often exhibit a self-reinforcing feedback between cumulus convection and shallow circulations, which leads to the self-aggregation of clouds into large clusters. We investigate whether this basic feedback can be adequately captured ...


17 records found

Parametric Precipitation Model for Tropical Cyclone Radial Rainfall Profiles

Reducing the biases in the Bader model for the North Atlantic

Torrential rain from tropical cyclones can have a devastating impact, causing loss of life and billions in damages. To better understand the risk faced by coastal communities, it is important to estimate how often a tropical cyclone could occur and how much rainfall it will produ ...

Cloudier Skies

Marine Cloud Brightening: How Sea Salt Aerosol Properties Relate to the Brightening Of Stratocumulus Clouds

Over the period 1901-2012, the average global sea surface temperature has increased by 0.89 °C due to climate change and it is expected to increase consistent with global warming. As a consequence, marine ecosystems have become more susceptible to change in species and ocean chem ...

Creation of new Extra-Tropical Cyclone fields in the North Atlantic with Generative Adversarial Networks

A deep learning framework to generate new synthetic atmospheric variables fields from the learned original sample data distribution

Extra-Tropical Cyclones (ETCs) are major storm system ruling and influencing the atmospheric structure at mid-latitudes. These events are usually characterized by strong winds and heavy precipitation and cause considerable storm surges with threatening wave systems for coastal re ...

Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation

A Meteorology and Satellite Driven Analysis of Effective Radiative Forcing from Aerosol-Cloud Interactions

Uncertainty in the radiative forcing from anthropogenic activities since the Industrial Revolution is dominated by how clouds respond to aerosol. Climate projections are limited by this uncertainty. The cloud response to aerosol is influenced by the meteorological conditions of t ...

Assessment of the low visibility predictions at Schiphol Airport

Performance of the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast Guidance

Airport operations are highly dependent on safe weather conditions for their daily operations. Especially the visibility conditions are crucial. Low Visibility Procedures (LVP phase M, A, B and C) are defined at Schiphol Airport, resulting in capacity and runway use restrictions. ...

Peering into the Heart of Thunderstorm Clouds

Insights from Cloud Radar and Spectral Polarimetry

Lightning is a natural phenomena that can be dangerous to humans. It is however challenging to study thunderstorm clouds using direct observations since it can be dangerous to fly into thunderstorm clouds. In this study, cloud radar with millimeter wavelength is used to study the ...

Detecting climate patterns

Bayesian neural network approach

Machine learning is becoming an increasingly important tool for climate scientists, but hampered by lacking uncertainty quantification. Here, a machine learning approach for detecting patterns indicating a changing climate is combined with probabilistic modelling to retrieve unce ...

Evolution of mesoscale organization in trade cumulus clouds

A treasure hunt for cloud feedback uncertainty

How clouds change due to global warming is a major source of uncertainty in global climate models. A large part of this uncertainty originates from the feedback of low clouds over the subtropical ocean. The processes that shape these clouds range from microphysical processes of c ...

Evolution of mesoscale organization in trade cumulus clouds

A treasure hunt for cloud feedback uncertainty

How clouds change due to global warming is a major source of uncertainty in global climate models. A large part of this uncertainty originates from the feedback of low clouds over the subtropical ocean. The processes that shape these clouds range from microphysical processes of c ...
Thanks to increasing computational resources, the grid sizes of global climate and weather prediction models are decreasing to scales at which subgrid processes, especially the evolution of clouds, can become spatially too variable for traditional deterministic parameterization a ...
BaCla is a new stochastic parametric precipitation model to estimate rainfall associated with Tropical cyclones (TCs) in a computationally efficient way. It is validated for a number of calibration cases along with the current benchmark IPET deterministic method. The results of t ...
In this thesis we are interested in distinguishing patterns of mesoscale cloud patterns in the trades. Specifically, whether Sugar, Gravel, Fish and Flowers patterns can objectively be identified using physical quantities. For this purpose, we use cloud fraction data attained by ...
The knowledge of the raindrop size distribution is key for characterizing precipitation. It is however still a challenge to retrieve it with radars. Several polarimetric and spectral techniques are proposed for cm-wavelength radars (weather radars). What about the mm-wavelength r ...
Clouds, specifically shallow clouds, are known as a major source of uncertainty in global climate models. Shallow clouds over the global oceans show different spatial patterns and organizations that may be influenced by climate change. Besides, the frequency of these patterns can ...
Although monitoring and maintenance of railways is important to ensure safety and avoid delays and financial losses, it is still mainly based on human inspection. The complexity of a railway along with the large area it extends makes manual monitoring difficult and time-consuming ...
Cloud droplet number concentrations change due to perturbations in aerosol concentrations. The strength of this correlation covaries with meteorology. Using polarimetric aerosol estimates and MODIS-2 cloud retrievals we compute the interaction strength per meteorological regime, ...
Mixed-phase clouds, which have a significant impact on the global climate, are complex systems where liquid water and various types of ice particles coexist at temperatures below the freezing point. A key process in mixed-phase clouds is riming which alters microphysical and scat ...