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T de Jong
Academic Work (15)
Book (1)
Book chapter (4)
Conference paper (7)
Journal article (3)
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15 records found
Value assessment for aero-engine design: a case study on large turbofans
Conference paper (2012) -
T de Jong (author)
Wouter W A Beelaerts van Blokland (author)
W.W.A. Beelaerts van Blokland (author)
Ricky Curran (author)
R Curran (author)
R. Curran (author)
Richard Curran (author)
Sensitivity of geographical accessibility measures under road-pricing conditions
Book chapter (2008) -
T. Tillema (author)
T de Jong (author)
B. Van Wee (author)
G.P. van Wee (author)
B. van Wee (author)
Bert Van Wee (author)
Bert van Wee (author)
G.P. Van Wee (author)
GP Van Wee (author)
GP van Wee (author)
DH van Amelsfort (author)
Modelizacio de la accesibilidad geografica en condiciones de tarificacion viaria
Book chapter (2007) -
T. Tillema (author)
T de Jong (author)
B. Van Wee (author)
GP Van Wee (author)
G.P. van Wee (author)
Bert van Wee (author)
G.P. Van Wee (author)
B. van Wee (author)
Bert Van Wee (author)
GP van Wee (author)
What about the spatial dimension of subsidiarity in housing policy?
Conference paper (2007) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
T de Jong (author)
Dynamic clustering in migration patterns; intramax-analyses of intermunicpal migartion flows between 1990 and 2004
Conference paper (2006) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
T de Jong (author)
Migration analysis as a politcal instrument: The case of the Leiden and the Bulb regions in Randstad-Holland
Journal article (2005) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
T de Jong (author)
Modelling geographical accessibility under road pricing conditions
Conference paper (2005) -
T. Tillema (author)
T de Jong (author)
B. Van Wee (author)
GP Van Wee (author)
G.P. van Wee (author)
Bert van Wee (author)
G.P. Van Wee (author)
B. van Wee (author)
Bert Van Wee (author)
GP van Wee (author)
Migration, residential mobility and housing policy. Migration analysis as a political instrument in the Leiden and Bulb Regions, Randstad-Holland; Migration analysis as a political instrument
Conference paper (2004) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
T de Jong (author)
Migration analysis as a political instrument
Conference paper (2004) -
RW Goetgeluk (author)
T de Jong (author)
Road Pricing en bereikbaarheid; implicaties voor bereikbaarheidsmaten en een verkennende toepassingsstudie.
Journal article (2003) -
XX Tillema (author)
B. van Wee (author)
GP van Wee (author)
Bert Van Wee (author)
GP Van Wee (author)
G.P. van Wee (author)
Bert van Wee (author)
G.P. Van Wee (author)
B. Van Wee (author)
T de Jong (author)
Forecasting and problem spotting
Book chapter (2002) -
T de Jong (author)
H. Priemus (author)
Problems with laparoscopic instruments: opinions of experts
Journal article (2001) -
KT den Boer (author)
T de Jong (author)
Jenny Dankelman (author)
J. Dankelman (author)
DJ Gouma (author)
Forecasting and Problem Spotting
Book chapter (2000) -
T de Jong (author)
H. Priemus (author)
Clinical outcome related to technical limitations in surgery
Conference paper (1999) -
KT den Boer (author)
T de Jong (author)
J. Dankelman (author)
Jenny Dankelman (author)
DJ Gouma (author)
H.G. Stassen (author)
Wonen en mobiliteit op VINEX-locaties
Book (1998) -
M Dijst (author)
T de Jong (author)
Kees Maat (author)
C. Maat (author)
J Ritsema Van Eck (author)