C. Maat
213 records found
The role of the (e-)bike
A mode choice model for short distances
The bicycle is a very important mode for travel in various countries, particularly in the Netherlands. However, it is in practice often modelled with less detail than other urban modes, such as the car and public transport. Moreover, the increasing use of e-bikes and the differen
Cycling speed variation
A multilevel model of characteristics of cyclists, trips and route tracking points
Smooth cycling can improve the competitiveness of bicycles. Understanding cycling speed variation during a trip reveals the infrastructure or situations which promote or prevent smooth cycling. However, research on this topic is still limited. This study analyses speed variation
Causes and effects between attitudes, the built environment and car kilometres
A longitudinal analysis
Travel-related attitudes are believed to affect the connections between the built environment and travel behaviour. Previous studies found supporting evidence for the residential self-selection hypothesis which suggests that the impact of the built environment on travel behaviour
Begrijpen aan welke knoppen je kunt draaien bij ruimte en mobiliteit
Nieuwe studie wijst op belang van attitudes op relatie tussen de gebouwde omgeving en mobiliteit
Wat is de wisselwerking tussen de gebouwde omgeving, mobiliteit en attitudes? Oftewel: in hoeverre kunnen we duurzame mobiliteit stimuleren door knooppuntontwikkeling en stedelijke verdichting? En wat is de rol van attitudes hierbij? Met een longitudinaal onderzoek met GPS-data z
Impacts of the built environment and travel behaviour on attitudes
Theories underpinning the reverse causality hypothesis
The importance of attitudes in the relationship between travel behaviour (TB) and the built environment (BE) has been the subject of debate in the literature for about two decades. In line with the Theory of Planned Behaviour, attitudes – which affect behaviour – are generally as
In this paper we propose the concept of ‘substitutability’, which we define as the extent to which the preferred travel alternative can be substituted by other initially less preferred alternatives. This is particularly of interest when the preferred alternative is no longer avai
Residential self-selection, reverse causality and residential dissonance
A latent class transition model of interactions between the built environment, travel attitudes and travel behavior
Travel-related attitudes and dissonance between attitudes and the characteristics of the residential built environment are believed to play an important role in the effectiveness of land use policies that aim to influence travel behaviour. To date, research on the nature and dire
Sinds ruim 20 jaar is het gebruikelijk attitudes mee te nemen in onderzoek naar het effect van de gebouwde omgeving op reisgedrag. Attitudes worden in het meeste onderzoek als gegeven beschouwd. Maar dat hoeft niet zo te zijn: ze kunnen veranderen. Dit noemen we reverse causality
Urban developments and daily travel distances
Fixed, random and hybrid effects models using a Dutch pseudo-panel over three decades
As people require time to adjust their travel behaviour to changes in residential location and transport infrastructure, there is a need for long-term empirical studies quantifying the relationships between locations, individuals and travel behaviour. Such empirical evidence is c
Rechtvaardigheid is te meten
Evaluatiemethode voor rechtvaardigheid van beleidsmaatregelen
Rechtvaardigheid is, naast effectiviteit en efficiëntie, een van drie belangrijke criteria voor goed beleid, maar in de transportwereld ontbreekt het tot nog toe aan kwantitatieve evaluatiemethodes voor rechtvaardigheid. Dit artikel presenteert een methode gebaseerd op de Gini-in
The effects of proximity to infrastructure on employment development
Preliminary evidence from the Netherlands
Transport infrastructure plays a fundamental part in the development of cities and regions. Important transport routes generate substantial development pressure. In the past, city centres had the strongest effect on the location of activities but more recently there is the view t
Talking TOD
Learning about transit-oriented development in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands
City and regional governments in North America and the Netherlands are implementing transit-oriented development (TOD) policies to provide residents with accessible and compact communities that are socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. Through 13 in-depth semi-
The impact of urban proximity, transport accessibility and policy on urban growth
A longitudinal analysis over five decades
Transport accessibility is assumed to be a main driver of urbanisation. Like many other metropolitan regions, the Randstad, the population and economic core of the Netherlands has experienced significant urbanisation, transport network expansion and spatial policies aimed to chan
Causal effects of built environment characteristics on travel behaviour
A longitudinal approach
The influence of the built environment on travel behaviour and the role of intervening variables such as socio-demographics and travel-related attitudes have long been debated in the literature. To date, most empirical studies have applied cross-sectional designs to investigate t
Long-term impacts of transport infrastructure networks on land-use change
An international review of empirical studies
Improvements in geographical information systems, the wider availability of high-resolution digital data and more sophisticated econometric techniques have all contributed to increasing academic interest and activity in long-term impacts of transport infrastructure networks (TINs
Long-term, large-scale empirical studies on the simultaneous development of transport infrastructure and the built environment are scarce. This paper provides a long-term study of the development of the railway network and its impact on the built-up area—and vice versa—using the