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G Wahl
Academic Work (5)
Journal article (5)
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5 records found
Perovskite heterostructures grown by MOCVD.
Journal article (2001) -
OY Gorbenko (author)
IE Graboy (author)
MA Novozhilov (author)
AR Kaul (author)
G Wahl (author)
V. Svechnikov (author)
Epitaxial phase stabilization in thin films of complex oxides.
Journal article (2001) -
AR Kaul (author)
OY Gorbenko (author)
IE Graboy (author)
SV Samoilenkov (author)
MA Novojilov (author)
AA Bosak (author)
H.W. Zandbergen (author)
HW Zandbergen (author)
Henny W. Zandbergen (author)
H. W. Zandbergen (author)
Henny Zandbergen (author)
G Wahl (author)
Lattice strain in the epitaxial thin films of perovskites.
Journal article (2001) -
OY Gorbenko (author)
MA Novojilov (author)
LM Belova (author)
Henny W. Zandbergen (author)
H. W. Zandbergen (author)
HW Zandbergen (author)
H.W. Zandbergen (author)
Henny Zandbergen (author)
IE Graboy (author)
VA Amelichev (author)
AA Bosak (author)
IV Nikulin (author)
AR Kaul (author)
B Guettler (author)
G Wahl (author)
NA Babushkina (author)
Phase radiations in thin epitaxial films of complex oxides prepared by MOCVD.
Journal article (1999) -
SV Samoylenkov (author)
OY Gorbenko (author)
IE Graboy (author)
AR Kaul (author)
O Stadel (author)
G Wahl (author)
Henny W. Zandbergen (author)
H. W. Zandbergen (author)
Henny Zandbergen (author)
HW Zandbergen (author)
H.W. Zandbergen (author)
Application of Ramon spectrometry for the characterization of complexed oxide thin films grown by MOCVD.
Journal article (1999) -
B Guttler (author)
OY Gorbenko (author)
MA Samoilenkov (author)
VA Amelichev (author)
G Wahl (author)
Henny W. Zandbergen (author)
H. W. Zandbergen (author)
H.W. Zandbergen (author)
Henny Zandbergen (author)
HW Zandbergen (author)