Sybe Heusen

3 records found


Healthcare center Strandeiland

Design of a healthcare center on plot M3a of strandeiland

Utilising research in environmental psychology in order to achieve stress reduction in the design of a healthcare center. The design clusters the architectural programs based on the reason people visit certain functions within the building, and privacy aspects. This clustering of ...
Urban healthcare centres face considerable pressure due to the negative health impacts associated with cities and increasing urban density. These challenges add strain to healthcare providers already dealing with imbalances in care provision. Research indicates that environmental ...

A place for the traditional architectural ornament in contemporary architecture

The revitalisation of ornaments in contemporary architecture and its benefits to mental health

Ornaments have been a cornerstone of architecture since its beginning, many types of ornaments have been created as means of expression for designers and developers, transferring ideas of religion, politics, and society. But in the historic timeline of architecture, the inclusion ...