Giovanni Meles
16 records found
3D Marchenko applications
Implementation and examples
We implement the 3D Marchenko equations to retrieve responses to virtual sources inside the subsurface. For this, we require reflection data at the surface of the Earth that contain no free-surface multiples and are densely sampled in space. The required 3D reflection data vol ...
A Green's function in an acoustic medium can be retrieved from reflection data by solving a multidimensional Marchenko equation. This procedure requires a priori knowledge of the initial focusing function, which can be interpreted as the inverse of a transmitted wavefield as i ...
Marchenko Multiple Elimination
From Point-Source to Plane-Wave Datasets Applications
Seismic images provided by reverse time migration can be contaminated by artefacts associated with the migration of multiples. Multiples can corrupt seismic images, producing both false positives, that is by focusing energy at unphysical interfaces, and false negatives, that i ...
Elastodynamic Plane Wave Marchenko Redatuming
Theory and Examples
Focusing conditions
A comparison between different Marchenko imaging strategies
Marchenko redatuming is a novel scheme used to retrieve up- and downgoing Green's functions in an unknown medium.Marchenko equations are based on reciprocity theorems and are derived on the assumption of the existence of functions exhibiting space-time focusing properties once ...