Ali Bakhshi


4 records found

Wind energy has always been developed as one of the vital parts of modern power systems. However, by integration of wind-based generation, the level of fault current is likely to be increased which can damage the wind generators, microgrid components, and upstream grids. Conseque ...
The protection of sensitive loads against voltage drop is a concern for the power system. A fast fault current limiter and circuit breaker can be a solution for rapid voltage recovery of sensitive loads. This paper proposes a compound type of current limiter and circuit breaker ( ...
Ferroresonance, as an undesirable disturbance, leads to significant overvoltage and distorted waveforms. This phenomenon can be highly damaging to voltage transformers and other parallel-connected equipment and can entail catastrophic consequences. This paper aims to design and s ...
Power systems are subjected to various types of faults as well as ferroresonance overvoltages. These results in the interruption of the normal operation of the power grid, failure of equipment, electrical fires, etc. To tackle these issues, this study proposes a dual function lim ...