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48 records found

The analytical tools to quantify CO2RR products are often slow and have high limits of detection. As a result, researchers are forced to extend the duration of their experiments to accumulate sufficient product and surpass these detection limits. This slows down resear ...
We provide a unified approach to S-estimation in balanced linear models with structured covariance matrices. Of main interest are S-estimators for linear mixed effects models, but our approach also includes S-estimators in several other standard multivariate models, such as multi ...
A unified approach is provided for a method of estimation of the regression parameter in balanced linear models with a structured covariance matrix that combines a high breakdown point with high asymptotic efficiency at models with multivariate normal errors. Of main interest are ...
We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Lp-distance between
a monotone function on a compact interval and a smooth estimator
of this function. Our main result is a central limit theorem for the Lp-error
of smooth isotonic estimators obtained by smoothing a Grena ...
We consider the smoothed maximum likelihood estimator and the smoothed Grenander-type estimator for a monotone baseline hazard rate 0 in the Cox model. We analyze their asymptotic behaviour and show that they are asymptotically normal at rate nm=.2mC1/, when 0 is m 2 times conti ...
Abstract. We give an overview of the different concepts and methods that
are commonly used when studying the asymptotic properties of isotonic estimators.
After introducing the inverse process, we illustrate its use in establishing
weak convergence of the estimators a ...
We consider Grenander-type estimators for a monotone function (Formula presented.), obtained as the slope of a concave (convex) estimate of the primitive of λ. Our main result is a central limit theorem for the Hellinger loss, which applies to estimation of a probability density, ...
We consider the process Λ̂n−Λn, where Λn is a cadlag step estimator for the primitive Λ of a nonincreasing function λ on [0,1], and Λ̂n is the least concave majorant of Λn. We extend the results in Kulikov and Lopuhaä (2006, ...
We consider two isotonic smooth estimators for a monotone baseline hazard in the Cox model, a maximum smooth likelihood estimator and a Grenander-type estimator based on the smoothed Breslow estimator for the cumulative baseline hazard. We show that they are both asymptotically n ...
For a joint model-based and design-based inference, we establish functional central limit theorems for the Horvitz–Thompson empirical process and the Hájek empirical process centered by their finite population mean as well as by their super-population mean in a survey sampling fr ...
We consider kernel smoothed Grenander-type estimators for a monotone hazard rate and a monotone density in the presence of randomly right censored data. We show that they converge at rate n2/5 and that the limit distribution at a fixed point is Gaussian with explicitly given mean ...