F.S.K. Bijlaard

170 records found

Racking structures are an important application of cold-formed steel components in a load bearing structure, with the aim to store goods as part of a logistic chain. The most important rack type is “pallet racking”. The Unit Loads (e.g. wooden pallet with goods) supporting beams ...
Application of longitudinally profiled (LP) steel plate in the flange of flexural members may provide a good solution to optimize their mechanical performance and to improve the efficiency of steel use, whilst existing design codes provide no design guidance or prediction methodo ...
Based on the stationary value principle of energy and considering the influence of the distribution of prying forces on the initial stiffness of thin-walled steel T-stubs, the prediction formula for the position of prying force is derived. According to this formula, the theoretic ...
Pultruded FRP composite material was increasingly used in the applications of civil infrastructures, especially for bridge decks. Thus, the long-term life of these materials in hostile environments is critical. In this paper, experimental studies have been undertaken to character ...

Major axis steel joint under torsion

Stiffness and strength characterization

Torsional effects in joints need to be investigated in order to get a complete model of the joint and also to assess the real boundary conditions for the lateral torsional effects in the beams of structural frames. Phenomena such as: torsion, warping, lateral buckling, etc. are u ...
SIROCO investigated the slip-resistant behaviour of carbon and stainless steel preloaded connections as well as the preloading behaviour of stainless steel bolting assemblies in principle. The slip factor test procedure according to Annex G of EN 1090-2 was investigated regarding ...
To investigate the mechanical degradation of the shear properties of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) laminates in bridge decks under hygrothermal aging effects, short-beam shear tests were performed following the ASTM test standard (ASTM D790-10A). Based on the coupled hygr ...
In order to reveal more information and better understanding on the behavior and failure mechanisms of high strength steel (HSS) extended endplate connections at ambient temperature and after fire, an experimental and theoretical study has been conducted and presented in this pap ...
Modern steel manufacturing techniques make it possible to produce steel with the nominal yield strength up to 1300 MPa for structural purposes. However, the application of very high strength steels is still limited in the civil engineering structures due to lack of knowledge abou ...

Moment-resisting joints in high-strength steel

Areas for improvement in design standards

In Memoriam of Prof. Dr. Bernt Johansson. European standard EN 1993 does not permit the design of joints made from steel with a yield stress > 460 MPa using the principles of semi-continuous/partially restrained construction, and will remain forbidden in its current revision with ...
Full-scale experimental study and numerical analysis on behaviors and failure mechanisms of full high strength steel extended endplate connections in fire have been carried out and presented in this paper. The experimental behaviors of the connections were compared with the provi ...
Full-scale fatigue tests were performed on two retrofitted orthotropic bridge decks (OBDs). The retrofitting systems consist of adding a second steel plate on the top of the existing deck. The aim is to reduce the stresses at the fatigue-sensitive details and therefore extend the ...
Fatigue crack formation is an inevitable issue for welded steel structures subjected to cyclic loading. Accordingly, repair of the fatigue crack in welded steel structures is unavoidable to prolong fatigue life. However, there is limited knowledge available about the procedure to ...

Purpose – This study aims to reveal more information and understanding on performance and failure mechanisms of high strength steel endplate connections after fire. Design/methodology/approach – An experimental and numerical study on seven endplat ...

The FRP-steel girder composite bridge system is increasingly used in new constructions of bridges as well as rehabilitation of old bridges. However, the understanding of composite action between FRP decks and steel girders is limited and needs to be systematically investigated. I ...

Moisture absorption/desorption effects on flexural property of Glass-fiber-reinforced polyester laminates

Three-point bending test and coupled hygro-mechanical finite element analysis

Influence of moisture absorption/desorption on the flexural properties of Glass-fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) laminates was experimentally investigated under hot/wet aging environments. To characterize mechanical degradation, three-point bending tests were performed following t ...
This paper deals with a proposal to revise the effective width terms in the brace shear criterion for overlap joints in rectangular hollow sections (RHS). The background to the design equations in ISO 14346 for the failure modes, brace effective width, chord M-N interaction and b ...