Péter L. Erdős


3 records found

Popular methods for exploring the space of rooted phylogenetic trees use rearrangement moves such as rooted Nearest Neighbour Interchange (rNNI) and rooted Subtree Prune and Regraft (rSPR). Recently, these moves were generalized to rooted phylogenetic networks, which are a more s ...
In 2008 Amanatidis, Green and Mihail introduced the Joint Degree Matrix (JDM) model to capture the fundamental difference in assortativity of networks in nature studied by the physical and life sciences and social networks studied in the social sciences. In 2014 Czabarka proposed ...
Unrooted phylogenetic networks are graphs used to represent reticulate evolutionary relationships. Accurately reconstructing such networks is of great relevance for evolutionary biology. It has recently been conjectured that all unrooted phylogenetic networks for at least five ta ...