E.J. Grift

9 records found

This paper presents the results of the time resolved flow field measurements around a realistic rowing oar blade that moves along a realistic path through water. To the authors' knowledge no prior account of this complex flow field has been given. Simultaneously with the flow fie ...
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the hydrodynamics of rowing propulsion and to enhance this propulsion. This requires to have insight in both the flow phenomena and the generated hydrodynamic forces. In (competitive) rowing athletes generate a propulsive force by means of a r ...
We present results on the drag on, and the flow field around, a submerged rectangular normal flat plate, which is uniformly accelerated to a constant target velocity along a straight path. The plate aspect ratio is chosen to be to resemble an oar blade in (competitive) rowing, th ...
We investigate the fluid motion generated by a moving rowing blade. The blade follows a complex path with rather strong acceleration and subsequent deceleration. The blade path is mimicked at a 1:2 scale in a large open-top water tank using a robot system. The tank is transparent ...

Towards determination of power loss at a rowing blade

Validation of a new method to estimate blade force characteristics

To analyze on-water rowing performance, a valid determination of the power loss due to the generation of propulsion is required. This power los can be calculated as the dot product of the net water force vector ( ...
In this paper a video-based method to automatically track instantaneous velocities of a swimmer is presented. Single cameras were used to follow a marker (LED) attached to the body. The method is inspired by particle tracking techniques, traditionally used in the field of fluid d ...
The effect of finger spread on overall drag on a swimmer’s hand is relatively small, but could be relevant for elite swimmers. There are many sensitivities in measuring this effect. A comparison between numerical simulations, experiments and theory is urgently required to observe ...