Alessandro Saccon


2 records found

Control of humanoid robot motions with impacts

Numerical experiments with reference spreading control

This work explores the stabilization of desired dynamic motion tasks involving hard impacts at non-negligible speed for humanoid robots. To this end, a so-called reference spreading hybrid control law is designed showing promising results in simulation. The simulations are perfor ...
Sensitivity analysis for hybrid systems with state-triggered jumps is experiencing renewed attention for the control of robots with intermittent contacts. The basic assumption that enables this type of analysis is that jumps are triggered when the state reaches, transversally, a ...


2 records found

While robots execute many tasks where physical interaction with the environment is required, it is still challenging to control a robot that deliberately makes contact at a non-zero velocity, especially with multiple contact points that are impacted simultaneously. When there is ...
We often establish contact with our environment at non-zero speed. Grabbing and pushing objects without the need to stop our hands at the moment of impact is an example of this. Although humans learn and execute such tasks with relative ease, robots cannot. The difficulty in exec ...