
Nathan van de Wouw

61 records found


Filtered Split-Path Nonlinear Integrator

A Hybrid Controller for Transient Performance Improvement

The filtered split-path nonlinear integrator (F-SPANI) is a generic nonlinear controller designed to improve the transient performance of linear (motion) systems in terms of overshoot. The main idea underlying F-SPANI is that the amplitude and phase of an integrator can be tun ...

A microgrid in the islanded mode is considered where a fleet of fuel cell cars is used as a distributed power generation system. The objective of the proposed control system is to minimize the operational cost of the system, subject to the physical and operational constraints ...

A hydrogen-based integrated energy and transport system

The design and analysis of the Car as Power Plant Concept

In recent years, the European Union (EU) has set ambitious targets toward a carbon-free energy transition. Many studies show that a drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions-at least 90% by 2050-is required. In the transition toward a sustainable energy system, solar (or gree ...

Sensitivity analysis for hybrid systems with state-triggered jumps is experiencing renewed attention for the control of robots with intermittent contacts. The basic assumption that enables this type of analysis is that jumps are triggered when the state reaches, transversally, ...

Dynamics of a distributed drill string system

Characteristic parameters and stability maps

This paper involves the dynamic (stability) analysis of distributed drill-string systems. A minimal set of parameters characterizing the linearized, axial-torsional dynamics of a distributed drill string coupled through the bit-rock interaction is derived. This is found to cor ...

In this paper, we consider synchronization of dynamical systems interconnected via nonlinear integral coupling. Integral coupling allows one to achieve synchronization with lower interaction levels (coupling gains) than with linear coupling. Previous results on this topic were ...

Automated Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is a method for fast and accurate pressure control in drilling operations. The achievable performance of automated MPD is limited, firstly, by the control system and, secondly, by the hydraulics model based on which this control system ...

In this paper, we introduce a variable-gain control strategy for mechanical ventilators in the respiratory systems. Respiratory systems assist the patients who have difficulty breathing on their own. For the comfort of the patient, fast pressure buildup (and release) and a sta ...

For given system dynamics, control structure, and fault/attack detection procedure, we provide mathematical tools–in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs)–for characterizing and minimizing the set of states that sensor attacks can induce in the system while keeping the al ...

Control of humanoid robot motions with impacts

Numerical experiments with reference spreading control

This work explores the stabilization of desired dynamic motion tasks involving hard impacts at non-negligible speed for humanoid robots. To this end, a so-called reference spreading hybrid control law is designed showing promising results in simulation. The simulations are per ...

Stick-slip vibrations decrease the performance, reliability, and fail safety of drilling systems. The aim of this paper is to design a robust output-feedback control approach to eliminate torsional stick-slip vibrations in drilling systems. Current industrial controllers regul ...

Convergent systems

Nonlinear simplicity

Convergent systems are systems that have a uniquely defined globally asymptotically stable steady-state solution. Asymptotically stable linear systems excited by a bounded time varying signal are convergent. Together with the superposition principle, the convergence property form ...

In this paper, we deal with event-triggered feedback control for Lur'e systems that consist of negative feedback interconnection of nominal linear dynamics and an unknown static nonlinearity. The unknown nonlinearity is conventionally assumed to lie in a given sector while the ...

This addendum contains the Lemmas and their proofs that are used to simplify the optimization problem developed in Section 4 of the manuscript “Fuel cell cars in a microgrid for synergies between hydrogen and electricity networks” by F. Alavi, E. Park Lee, N. van de Wouw, B. De S ...
Recently, the idea of using fuel cell vehicles as the future way of producing electricity has emerged. A fuel cell car has all the necessary devices on board to convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electricity. This paper considers a scenario where a parking lot for fuel ...


Vehicle platooning is often regarded as one of the most promising solutions for solving the road congestion issues. Experiments have successfully proven that longitudinal platooning can be safely achieved in real world applications using a platoon of several vehicles. Lateral con ...
During the exposure process of a wafer scanner, problems occur due to reticle heating. In this project, the consequences of reticle heating in terms of image aberrations are discussed along with how they could be solved with feedback controlled cooling. The problem is defined in ...
Over the past years, the automotive industry has seen a constantly increasing level of automation of automotive vehicles. This increasing level of automation contributes to an increasing safety in traffic and a reduction of traffic congestions due tio faster response times and hi ...
The ever-increasing road transport demand in the developing and the developed world has resulted in road-traffic networks nearing maximum capacity. Traditional approaches to this problem, such as increasing road capacity, do not offer long-term solutions. Combined with rising env ...
One of the phases of the installation of Offshore Wind Turbines is the installation of the foundation for the turbine. Herein, a monopile is one of the most frequently used foundation-types. This monopile is a high steel cylinder, over 60 meters high, which supports the wind turb ...