
17 records found

Complicating the debate

Evaluating the potential of gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry for differentiating prehistoric aceramic tar production techniques

Birch bark tar was used extensively throughout human history. While later ceramic-based production technologies are known, prehistoric aceramic techniques leave little to no archaeological evidence. Experimental tar production attempts to fill this gap and suggest potential techn ...
In this paper I present the results of a micro-residue study conducted on ten pièces esquillées (scaled pieces) from Sibudu Cave, South Africa. These artefacts are associated with the Howiesons Poort Industry (∼61.7 and ∼64.7 ka years ago at Sibudu), representing part of the late ...
I report here on a micro-residue study of Early Stone Age artefacts from Sterkfontein, South Africa. A total of 33 artefacts was analysed. One part of the sample is attributed to the Oldowan and dates to around two million years ago; another part is attributed to the Acheu-lean i ...

Carry that weight

Coastal foraging and transport of marine resources during the south african middle stone age

The influence of transport and processing behaviour on the composition of archaeological assemblages is often poorly understood. We study the influence of changing transport distances, due to Late Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations, on the representation of marine resources at Mi ...

Discerning use-related micro-residues on tools

Testing the multi-stranded approach for archaeological studies

In this paper I explore how post-depositional contaminants and non-use related ancient residues may be distinguished from use-related residues directly associated with the application of ancient artefacts. It is assumed that contaminant and unintentional remains have a random dis ...

The dynamic lives of osseous points from Late Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic Doggerland

A detailed functional study of barbed and unbarbed points from the Dutch North Sea

Osseous barbed and unbarbed points are commonly recovered from the Dutch North Sea and other Mesolithic sites of northern Europe. Interpreted as elements of projectile weaponry, barbed points are considered by archaeologists to be a technological innovation in the hunting equipme ...

Identifying Palaeolithic birch tar production techniques

Challenges from an experimental biomolecular approach

The intentional production of birch bark tar by European Neanderthals as early as 190,000 years ago plays an important role in discussions about the technological and behavioural complexity of Pleistocene hominins. However, research is hampered because it is currently unknown how ...

Berkenpek uit de Noordzee

Een zeldzame vondst werpt licht op het gedrag van neanderthalers

In 2016 raapte amateurarcheologe en -paleontologe Willy van Wingerden uit Honselersdijk op het strand bij Kijkduin een klein stukje vuursteen op met aan één kant een aangehechte zwarte materie. Ze liet de vondst enkele dagen later aan archeoloog Marcel Niekus zien. Die werd direc ...

Middle Stone Age shellfish exploitation

Potential indications for mass collecting and resource intensification at Blombos Cave and Klasies River, South Africa

Middle Stone Age (MSA) shellfish remains were studied for indications of changes in subsistence adaptations. Optimal Foraging Theory was applied to the MSA shellfish species from Blombos Cave and Klasies River, South Africa, to model which shellfish would be most profitable to co ...

Reply to Schmidt et al.

Interpretation of Paleolithic adhesive production: Combining experimental and paleoenvironmental information

Pixe and residues

Examples from Sterkfontein and Sibudu, South Africa

We report the discovery of a 50,000-y-old birch tar-hafted flint tool found off the present-day coastline of The Netherlands. The production of adhesives and multicomponent tools is considered complex technology and has a prominent place in discussions about the evolution of huma ...
This study explores traditional adhesives using an ethnobiological approach within a multisocioecological context in Zambia. Through semi-structured interviews, videotaped demonstrations, and herbarium collections, we investigated the traditional adhesives people know and use, th ...
An adhesive is any substance that bonds different materials together. This broad definition includes materials used in everything from hafted stone tools to monumental architecture. In addition, the combination of bonding, plasticity, and insolubility meant that some adhesives we ...
Adhesives are an important yet often overlooked aspect of human tool use. Previous experiments have shown that compound resin/gum adhesive production by anatomically modern humans was a cognitively demanding task that required advanced use of fire, forward planning, and abstracti ...


3 records found

Editorial board/ Aims & Scope

Late Pleistocene lifeways, an African perspective: selected presentations, PAA-Safa 2010

Editorial board/ Aims & Scope

Late Pleistocene lifeways, an African perspective: selected presentations, PAA-Safa 2010

The goal of this project was to simulate the colour change over time of Girl with a Pearl Earring from Johannes Vermeer. Using art history knowledge and computational methods this was proven to be possible. The combination of these methods is unique and promising. As a first fo ...