
D.H. van der Valk


2 records found

Remote Sensing of Japanese WWII airstrips in the Papua Province Republic of Indonesia

Classification of the area surrounding three WWII airstrips (Mongosah, Otawiri and Sagan)

In the Second World War Dutch New Guinea was a strategic battle front for both the Japanese and the Allied forces in the Pacific War. A lot of airstrips were constructed and bombed during this time, of which at least three (Mongosah, Otowari and Sagan) have never been visited aft ...
Blue ice areas, are areas in Antarctica where, either due to local heat sources (areas with lower albedo and thus more absorption of shortwave radiation - i.e. Nunataks) or high windspeed, all the snow is melted or eroded away and the underlying (blue) ice is visible. This occurs ...