Tatyana V. Kolganova


6 records found

A spiral-shaped, highly motile bacterium was isolated from freshwater sulfidic sediment. Strain J10 T is a facultative autotroph utilizing sulfide, thiosulfate, and sulfur as the electron donors in microoxic conditions. Despite high 16S rRNA gene sequence sequence i ...
Extremely halophilic archaea (haloarchaea) of the class Halobacteria is a dominant group of aerobic heterotrophic prokaryotic communities in salt-saturated habitats, such as salt lakes and solar salterns. Most of the pure cultures of haloarchaea were enriched, isolated, and culti ...
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) has long been known to support anaerobic respiration in a few species of basically aerobic extremely halophilic euryarchaea living in hypersaline lakes. Recently, it has also been shown to be utilized as an additional electron acceptor in basically anaero ...
Alkaline saline soils, known also as ''soda solonchaks'', represent a natural soda habitat which differs from soda lake sediments by higher aeration and lower humidity. The microbiology of soda soils, in contrast to the more intensively studied soda lakes, remains poorly explored ...
Until now anaerobic oxidation of VFA at high salt-pH has been demonstrated only at sulfate-reducing conditions. Here, we present results of a microbiological investigation of anaerobic conversion of organic acids and alcohols at methanogenic conditions by syntrophic associations ...
Until now anaerobic oxidation of VFA at high salt-pH has been demonstrated only at sulfate-reducing conditions. Here, we present results of a microbiological investigation of anaerobic conversion of organic acids and alcohols at methanogenic conditions by syntrophic associations ...