T. Michelis
29 records found
Compressible flows of fluids whose thermophysical properties are related by complex equations are quantitatively and can be qualitatively different from high-speed flows of ideal gases. Nonideal compressible fluid dynamics (NICFD) is concerned with these fluid flows, which are re
Images of compressible flows can be post-processed with digital imaging techniques to obtain accurate quantitative information about variables characterizing the flow. For example, the local flow Mach number can be obtained from the angle of Mach lines visualized with the schlier
This study reports the first time-resolved particle image velocimetry characterization of a planar two-phase mixing layer flow, whose velocity field is measured simultaneously in gas and liquid streams. Two parallel air and water flows meet downstream of a splitter plate, giving
A novel test setup called the asymmetric shock tube for experiments on nonideal rarefaction waves (ASTER) has been commissioned at Delft University of Technology. The ASTER, which works according to the principle of Ludwieg tubes, is designed to generate and measure the speed of
The Parabolized Stability Equations (PSE), Adaptive Harmonic Linearized Navier-Stokes (AHLNS) and Harmonic Navier-Stokes (HNS) solvers are used to analyze the linear and nonlinear stability of swept-wing boundary layers under the influence of smooth wall deformations of varying s
This work presents the first experimental characterization of the flow field in the vicinity of periodically spaced discrete roughness elements (DRE) in a swept wing boundary layer. The time-averaged velocity fields are acquired in a volumetric domain by high-resolution dual-puls
The influence of a wall-embedded Helmholtz resonator on the development and stability of Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves is investigated numerically and experimentally for a range of frequencies extending from below to above resonance. Interactions are found to be limited in the
This paper describes an experiment conducted within the nozzle test section of the Organic Rankine Cycle Hybrid Integrated Device (ORCHID) aimed at providing accurate data for the validation of NICFD flow solvers [5]. A supersonic flow of the dense vapor siloxane MM established i
The present work details the steady and unsteady flow topology in the vicinity of an array of periodically spaced super-critical (i.e. causing flow tripping) discrete roughness elements (DRE) applied in a swept wing boundary layer. The stationary flow field is acquired by means o
The wake-mixing layer flow developing past a splitter plate separating two parallel gas and liquid co-flowing currents is experimentally investigated in this work. Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV) measurements of the two-phase velocity field are simultaneously pe
This paper describes the design, functioning, and preliminary experiments in the Asymmetric Shock Tube for Experiments on Rarefaction Waves (ASTER), a Ludwieg-type shock tube designed and realised to measure waves propagating in dense vapour flows of organic fluids. The setup is
A novel method for control of convective boundary layer instabilities using metamaterial concepts is investigated. Attenuation of Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves with surface-embedded one-dimensional phononic crystals (PCs) is theoretically and numerically modeled, capitalizing o
The near-wake of discrete roughness elements on swept wings
Tomographic PTV measurements
This work presents the first reported experimental characterization of the flow field in the direct vicinity of discrete roughness elements (DRE), in a swept wing boundary layer. High magnification tomographic Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D-PTV) measurements are used to acquir
The effect of streamwise plasma vortex generators on the convective heat transfer of a turbulent boundary layer is experimentally investigated. A Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma-actuator array is employed to promote pairs of counter-rotating, streamwise-aligned vortices
The presented work introduces a cancellation technique, based on the linear superposition of stationary crossflow instabilities (CFIs) through the application of a streamwise series of optimally positioned discrete roughness element (DRE) arrays on a swept wing surface. The DRE a
We study an array of streamwise-oriented Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma actuators as an active control technique in turbulent flows. The analysis aims at elucidating the mechanism of interaction between the structures induced by the DBD-plasma actuators and the convect
The variation of streamwise and spanwise characteristic wavelengths of a NACA 0018 laminar separation bubble under natural and periodic excitation conditions is investigated experimentally. Periodic forcing is applied with an AC-DBD plasma actuator, and the response of the bubble
This work investigates the three-dimensional, spatio-Temporal flow development in the aft portion of a laminar separation bubble. The bubble is forming on a flat plate geometry, subjected to an adverse pressure gradient, featuring maximum reverse flow of approximately 2Â % of the
Boundary Layer Separation
Diagnostics and Control
The research presented in this thesis focuses on boundary layer separation and, more specifically, on the related physical mechanisms, such as laminar to turbulent transition, with a vision towards effective separation control. The work is divided in three parts, each correspondi
The spatial and temporal response characteristics of a laminar separation bubble to impulsive forcing are investigated by means of time-resolved particle image velocimetry and linear stability theory. A two-dimensional impulsive disturbance is introduced with an alternating curre