E. Barendsen

5 records found


Bringing design practices to chemistry classrooms

Studying teachers’ pedagogical ideas in the context of a professional learning community

Bringing design practices to chemistry education is gaining interest with recent science curriculum reforms emphasising design, and calls for integrated STEM education. Design is a central practice in the chemistry discipline, and could foster meaningful chemistry education. A ...

In this chapter, we discuss a methodology to analyse student teachers' personal pedagogical content knowledge (pPCK) development in a chemistry teacher education programme using PCK-oriented forms for lesson planning, evaluation and reflection. We unravel the student science t ...

Formatief toetsen van begripsontwikkeling in ontwerponderwijs

Een onderzoek naar instrumenten en activiteiten voor authentieke formatieve toetsing tijdens ontwerpprojecten bij scheikunde en informatica

Professioneleontwerpersmakentijdenseenontwerpprocesvoortdurendtussenproductenzoalsschema’s,visualisatiesenpresentaties.InditdoorNROgesubsidieerdeprojectontdektendeonderzoekersdatzulkeauthentieketussenproductenvanleerlingenzichtbaarkunnenmakenwatzijaanvakkennisopdoentijdenshetwerk ...
In design-based education, students use scientific concepts to inform their artifact-making endeavors. On the other hand, artifactmaking activities are meant to deepen students' conceptual understanding. However, no strategy has been described that explicitly links conceptual dev ...