
2 records found

Towards constructive design feedback dialogues

Guiding peer and client feedback to stimulate children’s creative thinking

Design feedback is an essential pedagogical tool that can help young novice designers navigate divergent and convergent paths while designing. However, design feedback is often met with resistance, which counteracts its potential to help novice designers evaluate their design and ...

Characterizing conceptual understanding during design-based learning

Analyzing students' design talk and drawings using the chemical thinking framework

Design-based learning is considered a powerful way to help students apply and develop understanding of science concepts, but research has shown that the success of this approach is not a given. Examining students' understanding of science concepts in various design-based learning ...


18 records found

Consider the impossible

Helping collaboration discover common ground through the promises of blockchain

This thesis explores how strategic and communication design can have an influence on the adoption process of blockchain or distributed ledger technology. It does so through dividing the thesis into four parts: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. In short: Discover: What is fou ...

Acceptability of hydrogen as a sustainable replacement of natural gas in households

A participatory modelling approach for Stad aan 't Haringvliet

Hydrogen technology offers a promising opportunity to mitigate problems that arise due to the energy transition. It can enable storage and balancing for surplus in electricity production from intermittent resources as solar energy and wind power. Electrolysis converts green elect ...

Communicating Architecture

How a museum building becomes an explicit part of visitor experience

This research project aims to find a way for the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague to communicate about their museum building to its visitors. The museum building is to become an explicit part of the visitor experience. By means of design-based research a list of design requirements wa ...

Expectation management for innovation processes within highly institutionalized environments

A framework for analyzing the organizational consequences of blockchain technology on the legitimacy of banks, and strategic approaches to manage these effects from a communication perspective

This project has researched the consequences of blockchain technology on the expected future role of banks. And furthermore, how banks can respond to these effects to improve the innovation strategy and remain their future relevance.

Enthusiastic connectors

Existing and desired professional profiles of practitioners of patient organizations as knowledge brokers within research projects with patient participation.

Patients are becoming more involved in scientific projects, as evaluators, advisors or partners of academic researchers. From a science communication perspective, these experiences are a fascinating laboratory about the challenges of knowledge sharing and exchange between stakeho ...

Technical and value obstacles faced by Building with Nature flood defence solutions

A case study on technical feasibility in relation to value conflict in Building with Nature flood defence solutions for the Houtribdijk reinforcement project

Building with Nature (BwN) is a relatively novel way of thinking for flood protection. Unlike traditional flood protection solutions that are poised to bring forces of nature to a halt, the BwN’s philosophy is to use natural dynamic processes for engineering advantage as a protec ...

Modelling Midstream Modulation in Medical Technology

An investigation of communication characteristics and effectiveness

The study is the first to describe and model the dynamics and characteristics of communication during midstream modulation. A meta-model of seven communication traditions is deployed to frame the nature of communication. The study also validates the effectiveness of midstream mod ...

Thinking in network terms

Brain functional networks in migraine and the analogy with the patient's social network

Much is still unknown about the cause of migraine attacks in the brain. Similarly, a lot is unclear about the influence of patient-physician communication on migraine outcomes. An analogy between the migraine brain and the migraine patient by means of network analysis was therefo ...

The Agile Windmill

Unleashing Project Success in Dutch Asset Management

The use of Agile methodologies has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years, with many organisations across various industries adopting it to manage their projects. This shift in project management practices has replaced traditional project management styles, and Agile ...

Development of a knowledge sharing game to design collaborations in a hierarchical organisation

How innovation strategies can be implemented at the working floor throughout organisations

Background: There is an increasing need for structured methods that encourage effective knowledge sharing and collaborations at the working floor to implement innovation strategies, especially in case of employer - employee relationships. Objective: This research (master thesis ...

Towards effective heat transition policy in South-Holland

Comparing a local market driven approach and a regional plan driven approach for the design of the low-temperature heating system in South-Holland, and exploring Q-methodology to design a process of collective learning and decision making between residents and municipalities

“Heating and cooling remain neglected areas of energy policy and technology, but their decarbonisation is a fundamental element of a low-carbon economy.” (IEA, 2012). In The Netherlands the total heat demand needs to be reduced and the heat provision needs to become more sustaina ...

Peer assessment in high school mathematics class

Using peer assessment as formative assessment

Peer assessment (PA) is a process that involves students assessing each other’s work and providing their peers with (elaborated) feedback. This thesis investigates how an elaborated form of formative PA can be implemented in the mathematics class to promote students’ achievement ...

The missing link in adaptive delta management

Insights on the potential of pumps in reducing flood risk under sea level rise and adaptive social learning to improve decision-making in the Rhine-Meuse estuary

Decision-makers in low-lying coastal zones are confronted with uncertain developments around flood risk.These drivers are surrounded by large uncertainties, which requires delta management to be adaptive. This research offers insights about adaptive delta management for the Rhine ...


A tool for relatives to support diabetes type 1 patients

The goal of this graduation project, conducted for the master science communication at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), was to design a tool to help partners of diabetes type 1 patients to come closer to the patient, by conversations about diabetes, to gain more ins ...

Op de goede weg?

Een casestudie over het formatief evalueren van de ontwerpvaardigheid divergent denken in het primair onderwijs.

In het hedendaagse onderwijs wordt steeds meer aandacht besteed aan 21e-eeuwse vaardigheden. Ontwerpend leren is een goed middel om leerlingen 21e-eeuwse vaardigheden bij te brengen, aldus de Verkenningscommissie wetenschap en technologie primair onderwijs (2013). Om sturing te g ...

Social Design for low-literacy

Empowering native Dutch low-literates

In the Netherlands, 2,5 million people are low-literate, which means they have trouble with reading, writing, numeracy or digital skills. As a result, they can experience difficulty with everyday tasks such as making a grocery list or taking public transport. Low-literacy negativ ...

Interference and collaboration in the Dutch energy system

A methodology to analyse interference between policy measures, and a system perspective on interorganizational collaboration between public organizations

The energy system is a complex socio-technical system, characterised by a multitude of stakeholders, different goals, long-term investments, and large scale sub systems with long lifetimes. The government of the Netherlands aims to support the transition of the energy system of t ...
This series – “Speaking – is part of a graduation project for a double degree in Architecture and Science Communication at the Delft University of Technology. The overall aim of this project was to design a form language that can be used in complex problem-solving processes in th ...