
Imco van Gent

18 records found


After almost three decades of evolution, it is not yet possible to apply MDO in collaborative projects within large, heterogeneous and distributed teams of experts, whilst nowadays necessary for the development of any complex product. The H2020 project AGILE took the challenge ...

This paper proposes a novel methodology and its software implementation, called KADMOS (Knowledge- and graph-based Agile Design for Multidisciplinary Optimization System), to increase the agility of design teams in collaborative Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimizati ...

Agile MDAO Systems

A Graph-based Methodology to Enhance Collaborative Multidisciplinary Design

The need to continuously design better aircraft is challenging on multiple fronts: the existing tube-and-wing aircraft are difficult to improve further, while more creative configurations prove more cumbersome to design due to the lack of empirical knowledge and the (usually) mor ...

The research and innovation AGILE project developed the next generation of aircraft Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization processes, which target significant reductions in aircraft development costs and time to market, leading to more cost-effective and g ...

MDO framework for university research collaboration

AGILE academy initiatives & outcomes

AGILE Project is developing the 3rd generation MDO processes, which will support the development of the next generation aerospace products. The establishment of effective collaborative design methodologies, is currently acknowledged as the key enabler for future pro ...

A new system is presented that enables the visualization of large multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) problems and their solution strategy. It was developed within the scope of the European project AGILE. In AGILE, collaborative MDO is performed in large, heterogeneous te ...
This paper proposes a new format to store and exchange multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) systems. Here, the generic term MDO system refers to the set of disciplinary tools, their exchanged data and process connections that, all together, define an MDO computational setu ...
In this paper methodological investigations regarding an innovative Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization (MDO) approach for conceptual aircraft design are presented. These research activities are part of the ongoing EU-funded research project AGILE. The next generation of ai ...

This paper presents a critical discussion on the automated problem formulation and workflow creation approach developed within the European project AGILE to support and accelerate the setup of aircraft MDO workflows in a large, heterogeneous team of experts. The developed fram ...

Composing MDAO symphonies

Graph-based generation and manipulation of large multidisciplinary systems

OpenLEGO demonstration

A link between AGILE and OpenMDAO

In this paper, a methodology to connect the multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization (MDAO) problem formulation tool KADMOS and the commercial Process Integration and Design Optimization (PIDO) platform Optimus is presented. This capability has been developed in the con ...


With the focus on the reduction of fossil fuel emissions, aircraft are continuously growing towards higher fuel efficiency. The traditional limits of aircraft performance can be surpassed through the use of composite materials which offer a reduction in aircraft weight. Due to th ...
With Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) a fully automated aircraft design analysis is set up and optimization algorithms are used to obtain better designs by balancing the synergy between components. In the EU project AGILE, a new methodology and framework ...

Towards the Industrialization of MDAO

Evolving 1st Generation MDAO to an Industry Ready Level of Maturity

Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) promises major advances in aircraft design. However, judging from todays aircraft, MDAO is clearly not fully embraced by the industry yet. This is due to technical difficulties (coupling incompatible tools) and non-technic ...
This research presents the development and implementation of a methodology for rudder design optimization using front-loading. The project has been performed in cooperation with Fokker Aerostructure, which tries to keep up with the increasing competitiveness in the aviation indus ...