
13 records found

Objectives: Children with cancer often experience sleep problems, which are associated with many negative physical and psychological health outcomes, as well as with a lower quality of life. Therefore, interventions are strongly required to improve sleep in this population. We ev ...
Background: Society is facing a global shortage of 17 million health care workers, along with increasing health care demands from a growing number of older adults. Social robots are being considered as solutions to part of this problem. Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the ...


A Cognitive Affective Agent Programming Framework

Cognitive agent programming frameworks facilitate the development of intelligent virtual agents. By adding a computational model of emotion to such a framework, one can program agents capable of using and reasoning over emotions. Computational models of emotion are generally base ...

Personalised Self-Explanation by Robots

The Role of Goals versus Beliefs in Robot-Action Explanation for Children and Adults

A good explanation takes the user who is receiving the explanation into account. We aim to get a better understanding of user preferences and the differences between children and adults who receive explanations from a robot. We implemented a Nao-robot as a belief-desire-intention ...

What Could Go Wrong

Lessons Learned When Doing HRI User Studies with Off-the-Shelf Social Robots

Today, off-the-shelf social robots are used increasingly in the HRI community to research social interactions with different target user groups across a range of domains (e.g. healthcare, education, retail and other public spaces). We invite everyone doing HRI studies with end us ...
We address the question of how an agent can adapt its behavior to comply with newly adopted norms. This is particularly relevant in the case of open systems where agents may enter and leave norm-governed social contexts not known at design time. This requires norms to be explicit ...
We address the question of how an agent can adapt its behavior to comply with newly adopted norms. This is particularly relevant in the case of open systems where agents may enter and leave norm-governed social contexts not known at design time. This requires norms to be explicit ...
We address the question of how an agent can adapt its behavior to comply with newly adopted norms. This is particularly relevant in the case of open systems where agents may enter and leave norm-governed social contexts not known at design time. This requires norms to be explicit ...

What Could Go Wrong?! 2nd Workshop

Lessons Learned When Doing HRI User Studies with Off-the-Shelf Social Robots

Nowadays, off-the-shelf social robots are used more frequently by the HRI community to research social interactions with different types of users across a range of domains such as education, retail, health care, public places and other domains. Everyone doing HRI research with en ...

What Could Go Wrong?! 2nd Workshop

Lessons Learned When Doing HRI User Studies with Off-the-Shelf Social Robots

Nowadays, off-the-shelf social robots are used more frequently by the HRI community to research social interactions with different types of users across a range of domains such as education, retail, health care, public places and other domains. Everyone doing HRI research with en ...

Do You Have Pain?

A Robot who Cares

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are a means of collecting information on the effectiveness of care delivered to patients as perceived by the patients themselves. A patient's pain level is a typical parameter only a patient him/herself can describe. It is an important me ...

Do You Have Pain?

A Robot who Cares

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are a means of collecting information on the effectiveness of care delivered to patients as perceived by the patients themselves. A patient's pain level is a typical parameter only a patient him/herself can describe. It is an important me ...

Reducing Stress by Bonding with a Social Robot

Towards Autonomous Long-Term Child-Robot Interaction

Pediatric oncology patients could benefit from bonding with a social robot and talking about their day in the hospital. With our research we aim to contribute to the development of a robot that is able to facilitate a child-robot bond autonomously and long-term. We propose to use ...


7 records found

Musical NAO

Instrument Playing Humanoid Using Monocular Vision

Humanoid robots are becoming part of modern societies mainly involving the education and entertainment fields. Therefore, providing techniques that enable a humanoid to autonomously play instruments like the metallophone we enrich its usefulness. In this work we present an appr ...

Socially-Aware Navigation

Guiding Behavior with Pepper

Socially-aware robot navigation strives to find efficient methods to autonomously navigate known environments while incorporating social metrics derived from human behavior. Several methods built for navigation on dynamic and uncertain environments have been adapted to resemble h ...

Eliciting user engagement with a social robot

Drawing attention techniques for Pepper

The elicitation of user engagement is one of the current challenges of human-robot interaction, alongside with the identification of appropriate metrics to evaluate users' experience. Several studies focused on strategies aimed at maintaining engagement throughout an interaction, ...

Affect expression in social robots

Combining non-verbal affect expression techniques

With the advent of social robots which are designed to be 'social', human-like interactions have become a necessity. It is natural for us to use a plethora of emotions to convey additional information or to make an interaction more engaging. But emotion expression is not commonly ...

Automation mechanisms for market models

Case study to reduce cultural discrimination in energy trading

The energy markets are emerging slowly towards a more decentralized form, e.g. technologies are allowing prosumers to trade energy from their solar house rooftops. But as these markets are governed by people and depend on the behavior of people directly, they are susceptible to c ...

The situated Design Rationale

Of a social robot for child's disease self-management

A young boy with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is supported by a social robot on the road to self-management. The robot has knowledge on the goals that the boy needs to reach, as discussed with his health care professional. The robot also knows the boy’s activity options and preferenc ...

Explaining Robot Behaviour

Beliefs, Desires, and Emotions in Explanations of Robot Action

Social humanoid robots are complex intelligent systems that in the near future will operate in domains including healthcare and education. Transparency of what robots intend during interaction is important. This helps the users trust them and increases a user’s motivation for, e. ...