G. Aktürk

21 records found

Climate Change and the Resilience of Collective Memories

The Case Study of Fındıklı in Rize, Türkiye

Vernacular heritage sites encompass customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions, and values that are innate to a particular place and time. Climate knowledge of the particular place and time is embedded in vernacular settlements and lifestyles along with other envir ...

Climate Change and the Resilience of Collective Memories

The Case Study of Fındıklı in Rize, Türkiye

This dissertation seeks to understand the climatic conditions in the past as a shaping factor of vernacular landscapes and then analyzes the impacts of climate change today on vernacular architecture conceptualized as a form of cultural heritage. These vernacular heritage sites p ...
Port regions are hubs connecting a nation and its hinterland to the rest of the world. Port cities' authorities and actors have always dealt with pressures and compromises in the sharing of space between agriculture, tourism, industry, and urban developments. The limited availabi ...
The national government of Turkey has recently confirmed plans to build a new shipping canal within the borders of the country’s most populated city. The Istanbul Canal Project is planned to run parallel to the narrow water strait of the Bosporus (the Strait of Istanbul), by conn ...
Peer-reviewed article on website The Arctic Institute. Published on 25/01/2022.@en
The designation of cultural heritage, especially the World Cultural Heritage Site, is extensively discussed regarding its impacts on tourism destination branding. However, the impact of the designation(s) of World and/or National Cultural Heritage Site on affective city image and ...

Vernacular Heritage as a Response to Climate

Lessons for future climate resilience from Rize, Turkey

Vernacular heritage is undergoing rapid changes caused by the effects of the changing climate, such as loss of lands, biodiversity, building materials, integrity, traditional knowledge, and maladaptation. However, little is known about the causes of deterioration in vernacular he ...
This paper systematically reviews publications for the period 2002–2020 addressing the barriers to climate adaptation of cultural and natural heritage in the Northern and Southern poles. Climate change and its socio-economic implications deteriorate different forms of cultural an ...
Steep slopes, rivers, a rainy climate, and rich vegetation: the region of Fındıklı and the city of Rize (Türkiye) have been shaped by humans living with water. To understand the region’s traditional settlements, vernacular buildings and local culture, it is crucial to analyze its ...
Sea snot is spreading over the Sea of Marmara in Turkey. This slimy substance is a symptom of marine pollution, and is threatening life both under and above water. Based on their own observations and the preliminary findings of experts, Gül Aktürk and Stephan Hauser discuss the d ...
The district of Fındıklı in the Northeast city of Rize in Turkey is environmentally and culturally rich with its rural, built, and natural heritage. The city of Rize has been experiencing more frequent and severe rainfall, flooding, and landslides in the last decade. River floodi ...

Cultural Landscapes under the Threat of Climate Change

A Systematic Study of Barriers to Resilience

Cultural landscapes reflect a cultural group’s continuous and evolved interactions with natural resources and the environment. By now, climate change has become the most significant threat to cultural landscapes, e.g., food security, water scarcity, and displacement. The cultural ...
Climate extremes affect cities politically, economically, and socially. Throughout history, societies dealt with many climate-induced disasters which resulted in monetary and non-monetary losses. While acknowledging the climate disasters in the city of Rize in Turkey, the local c ...
Water has served and sustained societies throughout history. Understanding the complex and diverse water systems of the past is key to devising sustainable development for the future with regard to socioeconomic structures, policies, and cultures. Today, past systems form the fra ...

Intangible Cultural Heritage

A Benefit to Climate-Displaced and Host Communities

Climate change is borderless, and its impacts are not shared equally by all communities. It causes an imbalance between people by creating a more desirable living environment for some societies while erasing settlements and shelters of some others. Due to floods, sea level rise, ...
Climate change including the rise of sea-level, flooding, increase in air and ocean temperature, and drought are major threats to cultural heritage sites globally. Even vernacular heritage–built by the local people as a response to surrounding conditions taking into account the l ...

Remembering traditional craftsmanship

Conserving a heritage of woodworking in Rize, Turkey

The rural vernacular architecture in the highlands of the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey has survived over 200 years, yet the local traditions of craftsmanship in wood are disappearing. As these craft skills are no longer being handed down, the value of the intangible heritag ...

Safeguarding the Coastal Heritage

Past and Present Climate Practices

The conservation movement of historic buildings has shifted in an environmental direction. One of the concerns in the preservation of coastal towns in developing countries is the detrimental effect of climate change and the cost of its adaptation. In the Black Sea basin of Turkey ...