
T. de Gast

12 records found

Dykes provide protection from the risk of flooding to approximately 60% of the Netherlands, by area. Unfortunately, most of the country’s major cities lie within this zone, placing a large proportion of the population at risk should these flood defences fail. In total the Netherl ...
The paper describes a study on the liquefaction potential of flood defences along the rivers running through the delta area of the Netherlands. The study concentrates on an area south of Rotterdam. The dykes used as primary flood defences protect an urban, rural, and industrial a ...
Soil spatial variability has a significant impact on the reliability of geotechnical structures. In particular, the horizontal variability is important for linear infrastructure, which has only limited vertical height and width, but extensive length. Due to depositional and geolo ...
In an attempt to evaluate current models for the safety assessment of dykes on soft soils, STOWA, the foundation for research on regional dykes in the Netherlands, launched and supported a full scale test on a regional historical dyke, which included observation of the pre-failur ...

Dykes and Embankments

A Geostatistical Analysis of Soft Terrain

This thesis presents an investigation of the use and applicability of statistical methods in site investigation and subsequent analyses of dykes and embankments. This comprises a comprehensive site investigation via Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs) and laboratory experiments on samp ...
A reliability-based analysis framework, accounting for uncertainty arising from the spatial variability of soil properties, has been validated for the controlled, well-instrumented slope failure of an historic dyke in the Netherlands. Using soil property statistics derived from t ...
A case study involving the assessment and re-design of an existing dyke, founded on a layered soil, has compared deterministic analysis based on 5-percentile property values and a reliability-based random finite element analysis consistent with the requirements of Eurocode 7. The ...
Measuring soil variability has many challenges. One of the challenges is soil deformation, which can change the spatial correlation structure arising from the original geological processes. In particular, this is important in the assessment of existing structures. In this paper, ...
The variability of soil is well known to affect the geotechnical performance of structures. As probabilistic design methods become more commonly used, the ability to measure the variability of soil becomes more important. However, by using only the point statistics of soil parame ...
The Random Finite Element Method (RFEM) has been shown in many theoretical publications to offer advantages in the quantification of the probability of failure. However, it has rarely been applied in real situations (geometry, material properties, soil layers) and seldom, if at a ...
The material point method is a finite element variant which allows the material, represented by a point-wise discretization, to move through the background mesh. This means that large deformations, such as those observed post slope failure, can be computed. By coupling this mater ...