H.S.H. Alkharraa
5 records found
Oil exploitation of tight reservoirs has gained significant importance lately. Some researchers have defined tight reservoirs as those characterized with permeability lower than 0.1 mD. However, permeability is an absolute value, and tight reservoirs have complex pore systems tha
A Characterization of Tight Sandstone
Effect of Clay Mineralogy on Pore-Framework
Macro-, meso-, micro-pore systems combined with clay content are critical for fluid flow behavior in tight sandstone formations. This study investigates the impact of clay mineralogy on pore systems in tight rocks. Three outcrop samples were selected based on their comparative pe
Microscopic CO2 Injection in Tight Rocks
Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Geo-Storage
Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection has been widely used in conventional reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of CO2 injection in tight reservoirs is limited due to diagenetic processes that impact
The microscopic structure of low-permeability tight reservoirs is complicated due to diagenetic processes that impact the pore-fluid distribution and hydraulic properties of tight rocks. As part of an ongoing study of carbon dioxide-enhanced oil and gas recovery (CO2-EOR/EGR) and
A full petrographic and petrophysical characterization of tight sandstones has been conducted as part of ongoing study of Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery (CO2-EOR/EGR) and CO2sequestration. The main purpose of this study is to give novel percept