Vincenzo Vodola


4 records found

Building performance monitoring

From in-situ measurement to regression-based approaches

Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data and reduce the performance gap in building stock. For this reason, continuous performance monitoring should become a more diffuse practice in order to improve our design and operation s ...
The design of auditoria and opera houses requires particular care for the stage area, where several different requirements should be achieved for the performers. Among these, the acoustic quality represents a fundamental aspect, and it differs from the listeners' perspective. Mor ...
The acoustic quality in auditorium and concert halls is normally evaluated by the measurements of Impulse responses (monaural, binaural or even MIMO). The subjective evaluation is often obtained by convolving anechoic music with the measured IRs. The psycho-acoustical experiment ...
The acoustic quality of concert halls is extremely relevant for the modeling and simulation of the global music experience and for improving the acoustic design of music spaces. Furthermore, the acoustic characteristics of historical opera houses are considered to be one of the m ...